Powerful Enough To Kill.

She didn't open her mouth but there was evident anger in her mental transmissions. 

"What did you just say?" She asked in anger. She continued in that same angry tone. "You want me and my forces to go into battle without knowing what you are planning? You want us to go into battle as ignorant lambs to the slaughter?"

"Yes." Came the calm reply.

He didn't bother to deny her accusation or sugarcoat it. The lady snapped then. It is both disrespectful that he didn't sugarcoat it and utter disregard for their lives that he didn't deny it. There is no way she will allow him to live. She lunged forward only to be held back by the three behind her. 

"Calm down, lady Tanya." They said to her. 

"He looks dangerous."

"We shouldn't fight our allies. That will only weaken us."