The God-king.

The tall and majestic tree that had been silent finally spoke, "Hmmm."

The tree father doesn't have any mouth so he spoke with his divine sense. What he said can also be heard without a divine sense. His branches are swayed in such a way that the air that moved through them was made to vibrate to make that sound. So Hak heard his god through both spiritual and physical means. He bowed his head lower because of it. 

The tree father asked him, "What do you think of the death of an entire squad of demorgorgs? So many haven't died like that in a long time."

Hak considered the question carefully before he replied. "The leader of the squad was a four-star demorgorg. It would have required a demon noble to kill her. Demon nobles have not been seen ever since the demons were banished. They have been hunted to near extinction which will explain why the traces of one were not found at the sight."