Luxury Before Death.

A certain Origin god couldn't help but become excited when he saw that Legion-5 was about to enjoy himself instead of throwing himself into harsh training. 

That Origin god thought to himself in anticipation, "Maybe I will get something from his body after all."

Many entities believe that he is not going to survive the blood crucible. They think so because the blood crucible is no joke to normal Shapiros who have been raised in peace and with the best luxury since day one. 

It will come to them as a shock when they find out that they have to fight and kill each other to survive. These are hatchlings that don't know anything about fighting for survival apart from what they heard in stories. However, he is no stranger to danger. So he will just lay back and relax.

He looked around his large house and nodded appreciatively. "I could get used to this. Even Soverick didn't get one. Maybe my situation isn't so bad."