Shitty Brat.

Legion-5 flashed forward and disappeared. He appeared in the blink of an eye in front of the great god of fire with a fist clenched in preparation for a devastating punch. It was as if he had teleported which is not far from the truth. There was a thunderous crack as the air was torn apart by his fist.

Devoni caught the punch with one of his hands. It was after the attack connected that the booming shockwave of the attack was created. That shockwave slammed into the flames around them and caused the hot ground to cool. 

Devoni tried to diffuse the situation. "What is wrong with you? I didn't come here to fight. My presence here is a peaceful one."

But Legion-5 didn't listen at all. He swung his other fist at the grand god. Devoni caught it with another one of his hands.