Mad Malekite.

-----The Gods.

The gods who had been watching the war between the two low gods were surprised. They hadn't expected the war to end just like that. It came to them as a shock that Malekite had gained transcendents in her race. This elevated their assessment of her and also created a lot of enemies for her. 

The group of gods who became wary of her are the gods with domains of diseases and plagues. They used to be enemies with Gholu but their adversity has shifted to her now that she possesses a small part of that domain. 

The gods were expecting her to relax for many years to digest her newfound powers. Then she would attack them to expand the power of her domain after years of recuperation and preparation. 

They were wrong. Malekite didn't relax. She started a new war immediately. She also didn't target the gods with the domain of diseases and plagues. She targeted Rier the god of poison.