Rocked Like A Cradle.

The first one to attack was the creator of the mental disease. Legion-5 didn't see how she attacked but he felt the impact on his existence immediately. Something was trying to erode his mind. 

He got a mental itch that he couldn't scratch. That mental itch wanted to take root in his body so that he could scratch it. Unfortunately, it failed to take root in his existence. It was destabilized by order and neutralized. 

The next one that attacked him was a soul cannon formed by a supreme beast with a special class. This Supreme beast has turned himself into an entity that preys on everything with souls. He normally uses soul snipers but he took the shadow of despair seriously and used a soul cannon. 

The soul cannon appeared in the air in front of the Supreme Beast. It was formed entirely with divine sense so it was invisible. Its ammunition is spiritual energy so it could penetrate physical matter and couldn't be defended.