The Calvary.

The smart thing he should do now is to give up, but he isn't going to do that because he is confident in handling whatever a demon god or a group of demon gods can throw at him. He has reasons to be confident. As long as he protects his main body with Chaos energy, any fight with a demon god or many demon gods will only make him stronger. 

That means he will be able to produce stronger Chaos energy, which will increase the rate at which he grows stronger. He will be able to eat faster, which will translate into growing stronger faster.

"Soon everything and everyone will become a part of my existence. I think this is what it means to be Chaos. Spreading faster and faster until there is nothing left to corrupt."

He is not the embodiment of Chaos yet, but he is already behaving like it. Chaos doesn't stop once it starts. Instead, it becomes stronger and stronger until it overwhelms order and all of creation.