Benefits Of The Naming Ceremony.

This is not the only function of the dragon spirit. If he is captured and in a terrible situation, the dragon spirit will be made aware of it, and help will be sent to him.

The connection to the dragon spirit means that it is aware of every dragon that dies and knows their killers. That means dragons will always be able to identify dragon slayers and avenge their deaths. 

Those are probable and passive benefits. The active benefit, and probably the most important one he received from the dragon spirit, is that his ancestral bestowals have become active now. The dragon spirit is what makes the imprint he received from his ancestors function. 

He has an ancestral bestowal, which he gained from his father. But it isn't his father who will make it work, despite how powerful he is. If it were so, then other races would be able to bestow their young ones with power.