Strange Creature.

The guards also moved to protect him from the Tyrants by calling on their strongest force to man the wall. The wall began to glow. It enhanced the power of the demon lords into demon kings and made demon kings capable of using the wall to resist demon gods or Supreme Origin gods. 

The Tyrants saw this and gave up on the Tree Father. However, that's not the end of trouble for him. The fact that he was being chased by the Tyrants doesn't mean he is not a spy for the Tyrants.

Tyrants don't need spies for them to create problems for the land of hope. They can just waltz and cause trouble. However, spies can create a lot of problems for the land of hope, so they have to be cautious. 

After all, they still need to smuggle food from the Tyrant Realm. This is because the land of hope is not generally conducive to life.