A Joke Or A Scheme.

They had surrounded the demon god eater with all of them, hoping to overwhelm it or wear it down. At the end of the day, it was as if they had thrown good food at it. It had grown stronger and reduced their chances of turning the situation around to nothing. 

That experience taught them why they killed every demon king of kings they found. Demon god eaters are better eliminated when they are young and weak, not when they are capable of participating in the theft of the abyss. 

Fortunately, there are smart and cunning demon gods among them. They are stumped, but they still have moves to make. LIES still had a suggestion about what moves they should make.

LIES said, "We have two choices. One is to wait. We can accumulate energy silently over a long time during the era of conquest and return stronger to beat the herald of chaos, or whatever he calls himself."