Go Big Or Go Hide.

They all turned to Soverick for his opinion. He, in turn, looked into the future and the past to determine their options. What he saw was not encouraging.

He sighed and said, "We are going to win the realm war, and it will happen very soon, so we are running out of time to contribute. I see no deaths in our future if we take things lightly, but that won't get us enough contribution points. If we go all out, I see some darkness in the fate of some clones, so there will be danger."

"But I also see a chance at a favorable future for us if we go all out. I can't tell what that future is apart from the fact that we are happy in it. The way to that future is in the Tyrant Realm."

What he saw gave them enough information to know exactly what they had to do. 

Legion-1 chuckled and said, "The Tyrant realm eh? There's only one thing in the Tyrant realm right now. So what we have to do is clear."