Stupid Or Not?

Ghoto muttered to himself as he looked out the window of his tower, "If only… If only… If only..."

If only things were slightly different. If only the era of conquest hadn't started, which caused him to escape the realm to seek safety. If only Monarch High Heaven hadn't killed Mother High Heaven then he might have been able to return to the realm after the end of the era of conquest. Then he wouldn't have to risk his life like this. 

If only he had more time, he might have been able to become an immortal before the era of conquest. If only he had more wealth, he might have been able to buy the things he needs to ensure that he will be safe during his breakthrough to titan of law. 

If only, if only. There's a lot that Ghoto wants to change but can't. The best he can do is acquire power. That means he must risk his life to become a titan of law.