Glory To The 9 Crowns.

A normal wolf stood at 3 quarters of her height, but the pack leader was tall enough to stand head to head with her. It was 2.5 meters tall from head to paw. It was not at all a beast she would want to meet alone.

As a warrior, she wasn't afraid of a wolf. But she is aware of how dangerous they can be. Fortunately, she has faith, and it is strong, so she held back her discomfort and went along with the shaman.

Warshaw had already received instructions from the 9 Crowns, so she knew what to do. She had unwavering faith in them, so she wasn't concerned for her safety at all. She used a knife to cut Axec's palm. Then she did the same to the pack leader's forehead.

Then she instructed Axec to place the wound in her palm on the wound on the pack leader's head.