No More Grief.

It took a lot of delusional convincing before she got halfway to the courage needed to break the monumental bad news to a world god. But she was interrupted while she was raising her courage. 

A being much larger than her appeared suddenly beneath her. It stayed there just beneath the law matrix, but she could feel its presence and its focus locked onto her. 

She could also feel its anger as it asked, "What is this I heard about you getting eliminated from God's Domain. Tell me it is a baseless rumor."

It was not a good thing for something so large that it could swallow her in one bite be angry at it. It was not good at all. She was filled with so much fear that she didn't know what to say. She couldn't even move. She stood there frozen in fear. 

The works God didn't like that. It said, "Since you can't speak or move, you should remain like this forever."