Divine War For The Tower Of Realms.

He is one of the many gods happy to see this. The human gods whose territory is being demolished are definitely not happy. They are still fighting a war with the other gods, but then a new problem emerged for them. 

"That's what happens when you have the largest territory. Odds are that if something will go wrong, it will go wrong in your territory."

The humans are taking a beating from the gods and divine beasts. He liked seeing it very much. 

He was contemplating what to do about the divine beast when the announcement came. On one hand, it is good that the Zephyro is causing losses for other gods, but it is also growing stronger the more destruction it causes. So it will eventually grow strong enough to threaten his territory if left alone. 

He wants to see the pain of his enemies, but he also doesn't want that pain to be visited upon him. But now he has to think about the Tower of Realms. 

So he asked his angel, "What is the tower of realms?"