Requirements For Full Potential.

They have no memory of that word, so they were confused that he would bring it up as if they should know what it means. 

Legion-2 replied after thinking about it, "I believe he meant great power. It is not literal."

Legion-3 scoffed. "He is just trying to butter us up with compliments. Let's not forget that nothing is truly free. I am sure he will ask us for help with something soon, or we will soon face the repercussions for all of this free information."

Legion-9 shrugged and said, "Whatever price it will be that we have to pay, let it come after we are done with the data clip and have made full use of the information within it."

They nodded in agreement and continued reading the data clip. 

"In short, if there is anyone who can defeat a being from beyond our universe, it is you. But there is something that must be done before you realize your full potential. Fortunately, these things are easy for you to do."