With the spark of power, they can take reforge artifacts and worlds as long as they have the permission of the creator. By infecting the two artifacts, they gained deeper control over them and were able to grant themselves permission to reforge them.
Only when they were done with this did they allow their 12 Supreme laws to fuse with the Universal artifact. Next they added the finishing touches to it.
There were eleven of them working physically on the artifact instead of twelve because one of them wasn't present. The one that isn't present is Legion-3. He is busy with something else.
Legion-11 has a lot to say about his absence. "He is off goofing off while we work."
Legion-8 said, "Your plan was good, and he was the only one who could execute it. So you have only yourself to blame for why he got to take the break."
Legion-4 added, "Besides, we don't need him. Only one of us is enough to do this work."