The shards of power were activated now, which made them begin to shine like tiny stars. At first, the light they were producing was dim. But it increased after each shard of power absorbed a world seed and a world engine.
The world seed entered the shard of power directly while the world engine formed a golden ring around the shard of power.
This caused the brightness of the shard of power to increase drastically. It became a white star surrounded by a golden ring.
As the white star began to shine and expand. The existence of the clones that had fused with it was also expanding.
The expansion of their existence created space in their existence for their aspects to unfold and manifest. But more than that, the expansion of their existence gave their aspects room to interact.
This meant that they could use more than one aspect at once and two or more aspects together for a single purpose. This also led to the spontaneous derivation of laws.