Now that they are world gods, they can use more than one aspect at the same time. Technically, they should be able to use Unity and Time together to fuse with past Legions. That way, the power of Unity won't be limited to 12 of them. But the void universe is blocking them like a wall.
Actually, a wall is an understatement. The void universe is more like a constantly growing and endless mountain. They can still use the aspect of Time concerning the present, but anything related to the past is a no-no.
They can sense the magnitude of the power stopping them now as world gods. It was so big that it surprised Legion. It didn't feel like something the void universe should be capable of.
Legion-8 said, "Either the void universe is a prison or whoever set up the restriction on time is a control freak."
Legion-1 added, "Or both."
Legion-4 agreed. "It can indeed be both. It is not strange for the warden of a prison to be a control freak."