Investment Venture.

Legion-0 didn't press the matter. She had already gotten what she wanted anyway.

Instead, she suggested, "You can help me by bringing me to the world gods that you want to introduce the network artifact to and recommend me to them. With you by my side, they will be easily convinced."

Before the works god could reply, she said, "Don't worry that I will make you bear the risk. I am willing to swear the oath that everything will be fine."

The world god laughed and said, "I have many friends and enemies. I can recommend you to them."

So the two of them went to recommend the gospel of Legion to more world gods. Of course, they don't know that what they are joining is Legion and that what they are doing is giving Legion access to their inner world. 

Currently, it has been 100 years since Legion became world gods. Their power had increased rapidly as they converted many Supreme Origin gods to Legion-0.