Thousands of thorns impaled him and turned him into an ant caught in amber. He couldn't move, and he couldn't disperse his Supreme law.
It all happened so fast that the first sage was shocked. He had seen it happen, but he still couldn't believe the power of the attack. He was shocked because it shouldn't be happening at all.
It felt as if an Usurper had attacked him. The power of the attack was so great that his strength and defenses were as flimsy as paper.
Black veins spread out of the weapon into all of his existence. Then black smoke came out of the thorns that the Apocalypse weapon had become. The smoke coalesced into a shadowy figure attached to the weapon.
The shadowy figure turned into a black, muscular, eyeless entity with two large horns on his head.
The figure said, "Why are you running? Is my presence so foul? Am I so abhorrent?"