Rebirth And Enlightenment.

The soul sphere spread its roots throughout the first sage's existence. Then 12 different Supreme laws worked together to bind him to Legion-0. This completed the first sage's indoctrination into Legion-0. 

Legion-3 nodded and removed the Apocalypse weapon from his chest. He also removed every binding on the first sage. This allowed the world god to regain his freedom. 

The first sage bowed and said, "Forgive me for my impudence earlier. I was being ignorant and stupid in my stubbornness. I shouldn't have resisted and wasted your time."

He had all of his memories, so he remembered that he used to look down on Legion and that he fought with all his might ten seconds ago. But now he knows that he has been born anew and has become enlightened.

The previous first sage has died. The new one believes that he is a better and improved version of who he was before. So he wants to apologize for his past behavior and thank Legion for his grace.