Chapter one: I became God's toy

Jack Smith was your everyday college student. His days were spent going to and from his classes , because he was not very out going. But he did have something he enjoyed, which was anime and game. His favorite anime/light novel is high school DxD. Normally people would have a complaint or two about. Such as how perverted the main character was ,or how that the heroines are one dimensional. But Jack completely disagreed with such thoughts. In his head Issei was meant be a funny character. So, he would not take everything he said and did seriously. At the same time when Issei stood his ground he was extra badass. As for the girls they each had their traumas. That made them who were.

To honest he always wished to be transferred into the DxD world. But he doesn't want go there to change things. Instead he just wanted to meet and hang out with the characters. Of course he would want a powerful sacred gear as well. Thinking that he made his way home. He was ecstatic to get home and read DxD's latest volume. Unfortunately, he ran into the street without looking. A blaring truck horn gained his attention. Looking up the last thing he saw was a truck hit him. As he lie on the ground his only regret was that he couldn't finish DxD. While he was bleeding out he just closed his eyes waiting for death.

No longer feeling anything he assumed that finally claimed. Although, he was dead he felt almost nothing. He knew that no matter how much he hoped no God will appear. And they definitely will not offer to reincarnate him.

???: Well aren't you quite the realist. Considering that you are a nerdy otaku.

Jack confusingly scanned around looking for the voice. No matter where he looked he saw nothing. A possibility appeared in his mind that he was in hell.

???: Seriously, you would rather be in hell. Than believe you are like the protagonist in a web novel.

After that sentence fell a bright light flashed. When the light died down before Jack stood a man. The man was a fairly tall at 6ft 3. He had bulging muscular frame threatened to free free of his clothes. His chiseled face made others think he was the Pinnacle of manhood. And his blonde hair with emerald eyes added to his charm.

Jack: Are you saying that you are some kind of god that is going to revive me.

God:That is correct my child and not only will I revive you. But I will also satisfy any wishes you have. I can give you system that make invincible. Or I can send to a world like a hentai story where you can sleep with any number of girls. Even putting you in favorite anime to replace the MC is possible.

Those words of his ignited Jack's weeb heart ablaze. With all of the web novels he has read. More than a few ideas came to like getting a system. But the idea of having to grind and level up kinda killed his power fantasy. As for hentai world thing it would probably be nice. That is until some asshole showed up and ntred him. Even if he wished to be absurdly strong it would be a waste. Then it hit him. What if he became a side character in his favorite story? That way he can change some of the more tragic moments in the show. Question now is which one he should choose?

While thinking over his opinions his life's regret popped into his mind. His death cased him to be unable to Highschool DxD. So would this not be the perfect opportunity? If he chooses to reincarnate into DxD then he would have a front row seat. Now he just needs to think how to be a part of the action. Then it hit him. All he needed to do was wish for a powerful lineage and sacred gear.

Jack: Alright I want to be reborn in the world Highschool DxD. I also want Qin Chao's powers and Nine dragon ring. (AN: In case you did not know Qin Chao is MC from My Beautiful Teacher)

As for the Great Yin Yang Evil King Sword that is optional.

God: Is that it you know I am offering you anything you desire. Don't you want a system that make OP skills or to be born before Sirzechs and Grayfia meet. Hell you can even make yourself god of the bible's son.

Jack simple shake his head and told the god he just wants to be strong enough to fallow the story. He even preferred to be born one year before Issei to befriend him. When Jack finished saying his desires the God was stunned. In all of his years working as the God of Dreams and Reality this has never happened. Normally people would wish for some cheat and mess with other worlds. For example one guy wished to be sent into Naruto with system. Most would agree that systems weren't a big deal. But what most don't know is they tear apart world balance with their infinite potential. This guy on the of head wished for something easy to power balance. Not only that but when his mind was read. It became apparent he was not going to effect the world too much. Basically he chose to be sent to his favorite story to pal around.

That being the case the god decided to have some fun. With a transparent screen Infront of him he quickly went to work. He gave Jack everything he asked for and then some. Smile on his face told Jack ,who was obviously excited, he was read to send him. As a bright light engulfed him Jack kept bowing and saying thank you.

When Jack finally disappeared the god was left alone smiling.

God: I can't wait to see his face when he founds out what I did. Normally I hate doing such things. After all destroying something created by another is just wrong. But he is different I am looking forward to see how he will contribute to the world. This will be fun.