Chapter Eight: Some more of God's pranks

The duel between Haoyu and Souji continued until Avrora with the others came out to tell him it is time for lunch. Before parting the two warriors gave each other a proper warrior's salute. Heading for the dinning room Haoyu was bombarded by Rias and the girls about his spar. While the adults walked behind they trying to hold in their giggles. Even Grayfia could not help but find the sight sweet and wholesome. As they made their way the sound of faint foot steps echoed through the hall. Haoyu turned to the sound to find a young boy with crimson hair, blue-green eyes and a fairly handsome face. It took Haoyu mere seconds to identify the boy as Millics Gremory. Who while being Rias's nephew while serving as the son of Sirzechs and Grayfia. At least he should be but calmly walking from behind him was a woman.

Millicas: Good evening Grandmother and Aunt Rias how has this lovely been finding you. As I apologize to our guest for the inappropriate behavior from just now.

Millics greets immediately after sees the look on Grayfia's face which can only be described as trouble for him. The woman following Millics is finally close enough to clearly saw the smile on her face. Haoyu's jaw dropped to the floor when he got a good look at his face. What surprised him was not her beauty, although she definitely 10. No what stunned him was that the woman looked very similar to Grayfia except she has black hair. See Haoyu react in such a way the woman let out a soft chuckle.

???: I see that someone here is wondering about my appearance and who exactly I am.

Her sentence was then quickly followed up Grayfia who kept her maid e.egence the whole time.

Grayfia: This woman is the wife of lord Sirzechs Lucifer, the honorable lady Layfia Lucifuge. As for the young man he is Millics Gremory the son of the lord and lady.

Hearing Grayfia's words something began to slowly dawn onto Haoyu in regards to what happened.

Li Yun: Master is correct in his guess. Before you were sent off by the God of Dreams and Reality he informed us sisters of somethings. Firstly this world is based off of Highschool DxD at it's core. But there are some differences such as threats that will appear and of course some changes to the people. One such change is that Grayfia did fall in love with Sirzechs instead it was her twin sister.

Li Yun's statement sent Haoyu into a deep contemplation over a number of things about this world. To be honest before he died, he wrote a fanfic in which Grayfia had a sister. He did that because of how much loved the way Grayfia's character is designed. So he did everything he could to give her backstory some more interesting development. Seeing the woman infront of him made him understand that she is that very oc. When he wrote her she was meant to act in a way that made Grayfia's seriousness more relatable. Layfia is a proper lady by all means but she also has her time where she will miss around.

Layfia: That's right I am not only the mother of this adorable little boy, the wife of Lucifer but also Grayfia's big sis.

Saying that she grabbed the edge of her crimson colored cocktail dress giving everyone a elegant curtsy. Her gentle smile ever present on her face as if to say that nothing could bother her. Aiko and Akeno had stars in their eyes as they watched Layfia's actions. While on the side Avrora had cute pout on her face because it is obvious why the girls' looked at Layfia Iike that. The two you women have been around Avrora for sometime so they for the most part are used to her. Layfia on the other hand was somewhat they have never met before and seemed to embody the word woman. So their excitement is understandable but that did not stop the progenitor from being jealous.

Venelana: Alright that is enough standing around we should continue heading for the dining room to eat.

Venelana said allowing her dear friend a chance to stop herself before she lost anymore face. Avrora of course picked up what her friend was doing for so she quickly regained her poise and started walking once more. When they made it the dining room Rias's father was already sitting at the table.

Lord Gremory: Hello everyone I see that not only have you accomplished your goal but Rias has two additions to her peerage.

Receiving his greeting everyone gathered around the table to sit and eat. While they were eating the table was occasional a buzz with chatter. Time passed as the lovely meals went on until the door to the room opens. From behind the door young, fit , crimson haired man enters the room. This man is obviously the legendary crimson Satan Sirzechs Gremory and with are two young girls. Both girls have hazel eyes although the oldest eyes are a little gold. Another difference between the girls is that the oldest black hair with a slighty protruding chest. While the younger has white hair and is hiding behind the older one.

Sirzechs: Good evening everyone I hope you do not mind that I brought some additional company.

Zeoitcus: Of course it is fine girls come take a seat but Sirzechs I hope you can example this.

Receiving his father's promotion Sirzechs guides the two girl two a sit at the table. Taking their place both of their eyes can not help but to wonder to Haoyu who just gave them a smile. Aiko not being one to be shy smile brightly and says to the sisters.

Aiko: HI I am Aiko the pawn of Rias and one of the future wives of Haoyu here. What are your names.

Kuroka: Nice to meet you nya. I am Kuroka and this is my little sister Shirone, by the way. Just now you said that guy next to you is your fiance but what do you mean one of nya?

Before Haoyu could say anything in response to the question Aiko went on to say.

Aiko: Of course I mean that when we are old enough both Akeno me and anyone else who wants to will marry him.

Aiko's cheery answer earned a blush from Akeno and Rias while the adults just smiled with a faint chuckle. The rest of the meal was filled with the silver bell like laughter of five young maidens. Later after they were done eating Sirzechs explained the sisters' circumstances. They were originally servents of a devil's household preforming on captured Nekoshou. Luckily one of them ,the mother of the sisters, managed to escape with them. Sadly her injuries caused her to faint but not before Sirzechs happened upon them by chance. After that it was decided that they would be put under Sirzechs watch for now.

Sirzechs: So after they were placed under my custody I decided to have them join Rias's Peerage. As for the mother I have been looking for someone to treat her but seeing Aunt Avrora I believe I found the solution.

As he said that Sirzechs looked at Shuri like she was a million dollar master piece.

Avrora: I know you are hoping I can give her my blood and she will be healed. But the thing is from what you told me rather than needing healing she needs to get her energy under control. Her current strength greatly surpasses what her body can handle causing it to go out of control.

Hearing Avrora's words the nekomata sisters' ear dropped down showing their sadness. Seeing this Haoyu's heart clutch like it is in a tight vise grip. His mind spun quickly looking for an answer until a voice broke his thought.

Li Yun: Master I know that we sisters can not come and help you all at once but we still have our uses you know.

Li Yun's voice sounded somewhat wronged as if she was betrayed by someone she really trusted. Thinking for a moment Haoyu realized how stupid he has been. His sacred gear is based on My Beautiful Teacher's nine dragon ,which means it has similar powers.

Haoyu(mentally): Girls I know you are probably mad at me for pretty much always ignoring you but can you help me.

Xu Kong: Master of course we will help you there is no need to ask and do not ever think we will be mad at you. Yun er was only kidding we understand that you want to grow strong without overly relying on us. As for how to help you can use the power from Leng Yue to soothe the Nekomata's energy.