Chapter Sixteen: Evil King vs Durandal

Haoyu followed the cardinal in silence to a build on the western half of the Vatican. He then guided Haoyu to chamber that looked like a massive church steeple covered in simple decorations. The chamber gave off both a majestic and a simplistic vibe at the same time. Inside there is an absolute behemoth of a man wearing a priest's vestments. His muscular frame was being barely contained within his robes making him look a little ridiculous. However no one has the courage to mock with the warrior's aura around him. Still his face held a gentle smile of a friendly grandfather or trusted senior. This man is of course the violence of heaven himself cardinal Vasco Strada. Actually Haoyu's father has always made it a point to say that cardinal Strada stands at the principle of humanity. In his body Haoyu could feel the evil king sword stirring in pure excitement.

Haoyu: It is quite the honor to meet the whos power is so great that even father can not stop think about dueling you.

Vasco Strada: Now there is no need to be humble with your strength alone humans stand no chance yet alone your father's. So may I ask why would one such as yourself come here pretending to be one of the lord's miracles.

As those words came out from his mouth the pressure that Vasco was releasing seemed to focus on Haoyu. Until now Haoyu has only felt this pressured by only two other people. One is obviously his father while the other is the Hindu god of destruction Shiva. This kind of pressure can only come from pure resolve/confidence at according to Haoyu's father. Regardless of whether that is true or not Haoyu refused to give in. So while face Vasco's pressure he stood straight and looked into Vasco's eye saying.

Haoyu: Technically what I said is true since it was god who the nine dragon ring and gave it to my father.

Hearing what Haoyu said Vasco just stood there before braking out into a joyfully boisterous laugh that seemed to fill the room. Once he was done laughing Vasco started to sing Haoyu's praises while patting him on the back.

Vasco: I must admit that you surprised me with your willingness to say that your sacred gear is one of the lord's miracles. Until now most user I come across seem to view them as simple weapons or curses. No mater how about we move on to the real reason for you visit because I know that your father only ever comes for something.

As Vasco spoke Haoyu could not help but to imagine him as the friendly old man next door that had to deal with family causing problems.

Haoyu: If I may be honest the reason for my visit has something to do with the holy sword research facility run by Valper Galilei. You see my mother is friend to madam Gremory whose daughter recently took in a knight. This knight is actually a survivor so I was hoping that she is not the only one. If she is then point me in Valper's direction so that she can at least face the cause of her pain and over come it.

Vasco Strada: I see you are acquainted with a child from that horrible tragedy. In all honest there is another survivor but I can not hand her over to you. The girl's sacred gear which can create a barrier has sealed her from the outside. At first when I found her we invited your father over to see if he can help. Sadly according to him the girls soul would be wounded if the barrier is forcefully destroyed so we must wait. As for Valper we lost track of him sometime ago and have been searching since sorry.

Haoyu could nothing but sincerity in Mister Durandel's which left him with no other choice then to give up for now. In must cases plot armor is a seriously helpful tool that allows a protagonist to make the impossible possible. However there are times when it prevents something from happening for the sake of drama. Sighing Haoyu was preparing to leave when sudden the door swung open revealing a young girl with a bishop. The bishop's face had a worrying smile as he was following the girl.

Girl: Your excellence I heard that the son of the legendary Devil Arhat came to the Vatican looking for trouble so I came to offer my sword.

As she was saying that the girl quickly started to scan the room looking for something but not finding it anywhere. Her search is obviously for the legends spawn base solely on the rumors she heard from senior exorcists. Seeing who the girl was Haoyu cracked a smile and decided to have some fun.

Haoyu: Excuse me miss exorcist this so called Devil Arhat what kind of terrifying unholy being is it and what does it look like.

Girl: The Devil Arhat is a unique entity from west paradise who is said to be a buddha that embraced the way of the devil. He is supposed to be monster that stands at 7ft tall covered in black scales with beast like claws. Not only that but he also has a thing for eating young maidens especially virgins. As for the son I heard he is just as bad as his and at the same time he is also a vampire. But have no fear as I Xenovia Quarta will defeat defeat him and show the power and glory of the lord.

Haoyu: I see then miss exorcist have you considered the possibility that this evil Devil Arhat has the ability to disguise himself.

Xenovia: That is true, if the tales revolving all of their evil deeds are truth then they must have a means to go undetected. That being the case then finding them will be fairly difficult.

Haoyu: I can help with that because you see I heard the Devil's son has a powerful sword shaped familiar and it looks likes this.

As he was saying that Haoyu summoned his Evil king sword which processed to fill the room with a powerful killing intent. At the side Vasco just watched as things unfolded with trademark grandpa smile ever present. The bishop on the other hand became nervous when Haoyu drew his sword because of the potential of the two kids clashing. Then as if not caring about his fears Xenovia attacked Haoyu with Durandal. Haoyu reacted by simply using evil king to block. When two swords came in contact both let out their strongest aura. Evil king was like a proud overlord looking down on a feeble exists which angered durandal. The blade seemed to want to brake free from Xenovia's control to show off. Seeing her slowly losing control over her sword Haoyu pulled back the evil king sword and caught Durandal with his bare hand. A loud boom filled the room as Durandal came to a complete stop. Haoyu looked down at his hand when the dust finally settled only to be surprised. For the first time ever he has been injured by someone other than his father.