Chapter Nineteen: Meeting More Fallen Angels

Early the next morning Haoyu woke up so he can go to school. On his way to the school he thought about whether or not if he should visit Raynare. While he was preoccupied with his amusing he made it to the gates of Kuoh academy. Standing there was a group of girls inspecting the uniforms of the students as they watched by. When he waked up there was a scream from one of the girls near by. This was something he got used to after the first semester of his freshman year. His charm as devil arhat could seduce any woman by simply being in their presence. As a result almost every girl in the academy became obsessed with him. Some would even wear provocative underwear and show him by "accident". If were not for Rias and the others they would have long pounced on him.

Haoyu: Good morning Sona and ladies you are looking beautiful like always.

Sona: Good morning to you too Qin San. I see you are alone today did something happen with girls.

Haoyu: Not really they just wake up late so they told me to go ahead on my own.

After their greeting Haoyu and Sona talked briefly before he finally headed into the school as more girls got excited. Walking he came across two second year who looked at him with pure admiration. These two are Issei's friends from the original story Matsuda and Motohama. He met the two when they first enrolled in the school ,and he helped them when they were about to get their ass kicked by the kendo club. Ever since the two would call him big bro while following him around. After he hung out with them for a while ,and gave them advice about how to get girls he headed for his classroom. Inside there was no one except for him so he sat down at his desk and closed his eyes.

About half a mile away from the school Raynare was standing on a building looking off in the distance. She was thinking about her new lover as she sighed. Although it has only been a day she felt it has been years seen they last seen each other. While she pined for Haoyu suddenly there was a presence behind her. Startled she summoned a spear of light to stab through stranger's neck. Unfortunately the spear shattered once it made contact their skin. Taking a moment to calm down she looked closely to see who they were.

Haoyu: Really it has only two days and the domestic violence already started. Hate to see what will happen at the three year mark.

A bright smile appeared on her face as Raynare leaped into Haoyu's arms. She immediately buried her face in his chest to breath in his scent. If it was not already obvious this is Haoyu's tarantula avatar. Another perk from his devil Arhat bloodline is that each avatar can either move autonomously or takes control. Sadly direct control requires Haoyu to basically control to body at the time. Thus he normally preferred to keep his avatars in his body. This time he did it only because he felt that Raynare was lonely.

Haoyu: Has anything happened since we parted my little raven.

Raynare: Yes actually I told everyone that I was attacked yesterday ,but ended up being saved by someone. Mostly everyone believed me that is except for Kalawarna.

Nodding his head Haoyu then turned to look at a figure floating two buildings away. Raynare could sense his attention somewhere else so she followed his eyes. When she saw who it was her face turned pale. The figure was a buxom woman with long blue hair that covered one of her yellow eyes.

???: Look what we have here as it turns out lady raynare has turned traitor ,and is flirting with the enemy.

Haoyu: Seeing as you followed Ray chan then you most Kalawarna. It is a please to meet you my name is Qin Haoyu.

Haoyu greeted the woman with an gentlemanly bow while smiling. As he did his eye wondered her body taking in everything she has to offer. If one word was used to describe her then it would be MILF. His desire once again ignited demanding he breed her. He quickly searched through his memories for information about Kalawarna. Finally he remembered something that will help him get her.

Haoyu: I am surprised you call her a traitor for having a relationship with the son of Azazel's friend. If anything I think he would be happy that we get along with each other.

Haoyu said this because in the original story Kalawarna was absolutely loyal to Azazel. Thus he planned to use his father's friendship with Azazel for his purposes. Seeing as Kalawarna visibly relax he knew his plan worked. Eventually she landed on the building where Haoyu and Raynare stood. Her eyes scanned Haoyu's body as if she wanted to see through him. Sadly she was on a fool's errand. No matter how hard she tried the only thing she could tell from looking at him was that he wouldn't hesitate to kill an enemy. In her long life she only faced such a killing intent and desire to fight from warriors whos life is the battlefield. These boy standing before her made a feeling of dread ,one she only felt before Sirzechs, come over her. Every cell in her body seemed to be screaming her to submit to him as if it were only natural. Up until this point she was look most female fallen angels a sadist. However now she felt a desire to be conquered that even her beloved Azazel could not make her feel.

Kalawarna: What you say is true it common knowledge that the devil Arhat is not bonded to any faction. Still you are not your father how do I know you will cause trouble for lord Azazel.

Haoyu: The answer to that is simple. You know I will not cause problems for Azazel because with my strength I don't need to sneak around. Besides if you are worried about anyone then it should be Kokabiel after all he is one of the few people that disagrees with Azazel's goal for peace.

Having said that Haoyu gave Raynare a light kiss on her forehead before teleporting back to his classroom. He did this so that Kalawarna could really think about everything they just talked about. It was also because he sensed Rias was approaching him. Opening his eye Haoyu looked up at the crimson haired beautiful and then opened his mouth.

Haoyu: Good morning crimson haired princess.