Chapter Twenty-four: Resolve to Take

Three days went by in the blink of an eye and it was finally the day of Haoyu's duel with Riser. During this time Akeno acted like what happened that night never occurred. Of course he thought deeply about everything she said that night. Even as he is sitting in the arena that Risa chose for their duel Haoyu thought about it. In the world right now there is no Issei to stay by their sides and protect them. Since Issei does not exist then why shouldn't Haoyu be his replacement. As he was thinking that Aiko entered the room. Seeing her Haoyu finally asked something that has always bothered him.

Haoyu: Hey Aiko can I talk to you about something.

Aiko: Of course to be honest I have also wanted to talk to you about something as well.

Haoyu took a deep breathe before explaining everything that has been bugging him as well as the guilt he feels. Aiko listened quietly with a serious expression until the end. When he was finished Haoyu waited for her response only to receive a hug.

Aiko: To be honest ever since we were kids I would get dreams about a world where you did not exist. In this world I was boy who would do anything and everything to help his friends and the ones he loves.

Listening to Aiko Haoyu knew she some how could see the original plot.

Aiko: The thing is while he was perfect for those versions of Rias and the others. I think now they need someone else entirely ,and I think you already know that you are just afraid.

As she spoke to him her hand pacted his head the whole time helping Haoyu to relax while he was think. When you think about it everything she said was true. The Akeno from the original plot needed Issei for support but his Akeno was different. She has been getting stronger without rejecting her fallen angel side and while Haoyu supported her she mostly stood on her own feet. The same could be said for the others they have each changed from the original so why should he expect them to end with the same guy. Haoyu was just afraid that he couldn't make them as happy as Issei. Now however he realized that he doesn't need to worry about it because he has already been filling that role.

Once his thought process reached that point Haoyu felt something holding him back disappear. When that restriction was gone a power like more before surged through his body. Inside his body around his devil three powerful entities standing. One was a fearsome Archdevil, another a benevolent Buddha and the last a mighty dark blue dragon. The three then started to emitt an aura that wrapped around the core compressing it. It shrunk continuously until it became no bigger then a speck of dirt. After it reached that size the compression did not stop until finally it exploded. Soon within Haoyu's body there was an entire universe. When the universe was born the three forces each occupied a planet. This may have taken a while to explain but in real time it was seconds. From Aiko's point of view he suddenly became quiet and then an aura strong then he had before burst out.

Ddriag: Partner I can't believe it but we have just bared witness to the birth of a true dragon.

Meanwhile in a VIP room over looking the arena that would house the duel there was three couples talking. One couple was the Gremorys and another was Qin Chao and Avrora. As for the last couple they were the parents of Riser. The three pairs were talking to each other in a fairly peaceful mannera. The fathers all gathered around a table drinking and laughing loudly as I'd their were at a festival. As for the ladies they were were calmly chatting with each other.

Avrora: Again I am sorry for the way my son has been acting lately. I knew that he had feelings for Rias but not to the point he would just punch someone in the face.

Layla: Relax Avrora I know my son well enough that I guess that he got himself punched. Still I feel bad that we tried to force Risa and Riser together. That is why we agreed to this duel as a means for making up for it. Besides we of course want to see if this boy really worthy of being with our little Ravel.

When Riser returned home to inform everyone about the duel Lord Phenex was annoyed by his son's behavior. Layla also felt that if Riser had been smarter even if the engagement was broken they could get something out of it. Now however their daughter is being put on the line with near zero benefit for them. As her husband lectured Riser Layla went to inform their daughter about the situation. Ravel wore a strained when her mother told her about her possible fate. Seeing that Layla told Ravel she did not need to worry about it. Ravel simply nodded to her mother, but said she would honor the bet. The Phenex matriarch knew her daughter did so that their house can maintain its honor. A part of her felt guilty toward her daughter having to pay for the mistake of her foolish son. When she was thinking of how to solve the problem Rias Gremory came by to visit. After that Ravel's worries all disappeared and were instead replaced by excitement. Layla was broken out of her reminiscing when the crowd broke into a frenzy cheering.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered her today to have the glory of witnessing the duel between Riser Phenex and Qin Haoyu. The rules are set to be like a rating game where they will take a team to face one another. As for the prize it will be the right to get involved with Rias Gremory. Now join me in welcoming our combatants.

As soon as the announcer said that both Haoyu and Riser entered the arena. Riser brought with him his peerage that consists of only beautiful women. Haoyu on the other hand walked in alone making everyone in the audience murmur in confusion.

Riser: Why are you alone I told you that you bring anyone you wanted to assist you?

Riser's mocking tone made it clear he knew that Haoyu would be alone when he came up with the duel. Haoyu did not look worried about it at all and even had a calm confident grin. Soon a clone of himself walked out of his body standing in front of Riser and his peerage.

Haoyu: Don't worry about me little Riser just make sure you are ready ,because after this match you need to find your mommy so you can cry.

With that exchange the duel for the right to be with Rias was finally under way.