Ch 03

It was the only Port in the country due to which it remained busy most of the time and mainly used for commercial purposes. It was only during these 2-3 months, common and rich people of the country surged there for voyaging and tourism purposes and exploring the Island.

There used to be 3 sailings to the Island every year during this period with one sailing carrying around 2000 passengers at a time. It was a bit costly affair for a common middle class person as the cost for voyaging was high which included food and services of high quality provided in the ship itself.

Next Morning...

It was a fine morning with bright sun blazing in the sky ideal for going on a trip like this.

They had to cover a distance of about 40km on an average from their homes to reach to the Port.

Alex and Catherine had already reached the Port and were waiting for the rest of friends to arrive.

Sherlin was driving there in her Car along with Tom and Harry.

Juliet and Peter were also on their way in Juliet's Car along with her Dad who was going to see them off.

After few minutes, they reached there and saw Alex and Catherine waiting for them. Alex had all the tickets ready with him and they started getting ready to board the Ship.

"Okay then, it's time. Have a great time there, have a lot of fun and adventure with utmost safety, click a lot of pictures and return safely" said Juliet's Dad to all of them.

"We will. See you soon Dad. I love you a lot." Said Juliet and hugged her father.

"I love you more my precious little girl."replied her Dad.

"Good bye Uncle, take care." Said everyone to him and boarded the Ship.

It was now 6:58am in the morning. The Ship was about to sail off in 2 minutes.

They waved their hands at Juliet's Father who was standing on the ground saying Good-bye. In response, he also did the same.

They could hear the starting sound of Ship's engine now and with this, the Ship started moving slowly and their journey started to the Island where something else, more threatening and terrible, was written in their fates.

It was an attractive, large, spacious,strongly built ship which could easily carry 2000 passengers along with its crew members and staff. They walked to the narrow part of the Ship to have the magical view of that scenic beauty in front of them.

Gradually, the Ship gained speed and after some time, it felt like it was flying on the bluish ocean water under the hot, radiant Sun. So far, their eyes could see, it was deep blue ocean water which got blended with the light blue sky overhead. Ocean gulls were crying in the Sky and a delicate breeze was blowing which made them feel ecstatic and top of the world.

After some time, they were called to the dining part of the ship to have breakfast with all the other passengers that were on the Ship. It was a large hall in which 3 parallel long rows of dining tables were set up in proper order which was used for having meals at different times of the day.

Four of them sat on one side of the table and the other three on the other side opposite to them. The working people on the ship were serving them breakfast.

"I still can't believe we are in the midst of Ocean on this beautiful Ship going to our dream Island."said Sherlin in an amazed way.

"I am feeling the same thing and having goosebumps repeatedly."replied Tom stretching his hand out showing those little hairs on it which were all in standing position due to excitement.

"Exactly guys , I am too feeling captivated at this moment and just don't want it to end ever." Peter said in a thrilling tone.

Along with these excited talks, they were having their delicious breakfast.

"This is so yummy, I can't stop eating this food."said Catherine having continuous bites of food.

After having completed their breakfast, they moved towards the stairs to go to the top area of the ship to feel the cold chilly breeze which was blowing at a faster rate now causing the ship to shake a little on either side.

"My heart is feeling so much satisfied right now which I had never felt in my life."said Harry spreading his both arms to let the cold chilly breeze strike at him.

Alex took out his camera from his bag and clicked some great pictures of the beautiful scenery and of his friends and a few magnificent selfies with his love, Catherine.

"I'm just waiting eagerly to reach the Island."said Juliet wishing the Ship to reach the 'Island of Banoi' sooner than expected. "Let's have some rest guys. I am feeling tired a bit."she added.

"Right, I am too feeling drowsiness." Peter added.

"Okay, let's move downstairs to our cabin." Said Harry.

They started moving downstairs towards their respective cabins for having some rest.

In the evening...

It was a great sight for everyone on the Ship when the Sun had turned golden yellow and was receding into it's bed formed by candy clouds across the horizon which made everyone fall into that golden moment.

It went on like this for the next two days of voyage in which they had a lot of fun, gossipping, delicious foods, scenic beauty of the deep blue ocean, glorious sunrise, beautiful sunset, clicking a lot of pictures and wondering about and irresistible waiting to reach their dream Island of Banoi.

On the 3rd day of voyage, early in the morning...

"There it is. I can see the shore." Alex said excitedly and loudly jumping on his feet.

"Give me the binocular, I also want to see it." Tom asked Alex for his binocular.

Alex forwarded his binocular to Tom.

"Wow, I can also see it. It's so amazing. Finally we can see our destination." Said Tom hyped-up.

The Ship was now gradually moving towards its destination, the Island of Banoi, which was now not very far from it. Everyone on the Ship was so excited and could not wait more to land their feet on the sparkling sandy soil of the Beach.

All the seven friends had a glimpse of the Island one after another with the help of the binocular. They were getting closer to their dreamland with each passing moment where God had written something else in their fates.