The Heaven City

The butler took him out of the palace and crossed his fingers, and while fingers crossed he used his other hand to signal the clouds to come to him and they really did came. Aaron was astonished at the sight. The butler climbed up the cloud and helped Aaron do the same. He then took out a Shaper Necklace from his pocket and wore it." Oh Shaper Necklace of mine convert this cloud into a yacht. " He uttered the spell and the cloud took the shape of a magnificent yacht. He sat on a couch and said " Autopilot please". The boat asked to choose the destination and route. The butler answered " I want to go to Heaven City to Heaven town to Heaven village and back to Heaven palace while seeing and describing everything that is worth seeing." The boat started. The butler started to speak a spell to slow time. The spell was " Undilla Vansika cansus flyus timino Rimini rimu swa." Aaron felt everything slow down except for them. The boat roared and sped past a huge boulder spinning at its position in the air. Aaron wondered if this one was larger than the earth itself. The boat increased its speed even more.

After half an hour they reached a large city with huge buildings the buildings grew even more large as they approached. Some magnificently beautiful women with feathers on their backs wearing white clothes came up to them. Yes they were fairies. They started asking for the purpose of the visit from Aaron but when she saw the butler sitting in as well they left queitly. " They guard the fairy gate.

" But they are not so strong looking, they look too weak to be gaurds." Aaron objected.

" They are not strong looking as they doesn't need strength." Aaron looked confused.

" Actually there is no need for them to be strong as they are really strong mana dealers and are thus the most powerful magicians in the whole fairy area. I know all of them personally." He said trying to quench Aaron's curiosity. When he was satisfied with Aaron's face expressions he continued " That one with a gold leaf crown is their leader. Those ones with that silver leaf crown are the left and right gate keepers while the other two who are carrying the scimitars are general guards."

The boat had reached the elf valley. Many elfs could be seen going various things. " This is the first line of defence of The Heaven City." The butler said and then pointed his finger to a elf sitting on a tree branch with a bow in his hands. He was keeping guard.

The boat then continued to move quickly forwards in the sky river and then they reached a dense dark forest. Some shadows could be seen flashing through the forest. " This is the second line of defence. It is guarded by Elves, Assassins and beasts that kill anybody who has a foreign smell. At this Aaron looked confused.

"Then Why aren't they attacking us?" Aaron let his thoughts out through his mouth.

" Because The Almighty has tagged us with a special smell that nobody would dare to attack except for the devil himself." Aaron was even more confused now.

" What is this tagging thing? And what about me thinking too much? And tell that all in detail." He said in a tune full of bewilderment.

The butler took a deep breath and started speaking " My dear sir when the Almighty likes somebody he winks at them a special smell always surrounds him. This smell could be smelled by anyone except the smell bearer. Now, let's go to the next query. Why are you thinking too much. When, you reach heaven you are converted into the prime form of a human. In this form one attains the highest knowledge of earthly (human) behaviour."

Aaron had a better understanding of all this now. The ship's speed increased even more. The shadows were approaching them and then they suddenly stopped in their paths sniffed something and then saluted to them. This indicated what the butler just had said.

When they first stopped was to have a nature's call. They continued their journey and after an hour, Shadows of large buildings could be seen in the distant. Hidden behind the large clouds and a magnificent valley was something he could never even imagine to the extent. The boat reached the valley. The boat suddenly stopped. Aaron who till now was sitting awestruck by the valley's beuty quickly turned forward. A green screen was there in front of them. Aaron read what was written in the screen. Welcome to Heaven City. To Fairy women with green hair and magic wands came upto them and presented them with beautiful garlands and said " Welcome dear sirs please tell me if you need a guide." "No" was the butler's cutshort reply. " These would help you navigate, buy sell, identify and call help if you need." They said presenting a green disc to them. Aaron took it happily but the butler denied even to touch it saying they don't need it. The fairies accompanied them to the heaven gates. The fairies after then u-turned and went back. The gate keeper welcomed them and asked the reason for their coming. The butler answered " Oh! Don't worry about us we are just travelers, no harm from us. No adventurers."

The gate keeper welcomed them and clapped. The gates opened automatically. They got down and asked the boat to reach the other end and wait for us. Aaron's face was showing that he wanted to ask something but then he dropped it but the butler was quick enough to catch him. " Do you want to ask something dear boy? " The butler interrogated. Aaron nodded and said " I thought you applied a enchantment to slow things down but now it aint working." The butler smiled a bit and said " Good query but I never applied a enchantment to slow down everything, I just slowed down time to it's eighth part. So, that even if we would travel 8 hours it would still be only a hour."

The boat went out of the gate and they started their journey through the Heaven City.....