If We Make a Hole, There Will Be a Way

Jose was terrified! He wanted to cry in the bathroom as he washed himself. Never had he thought his client, the young noble, would get angry at his get-up. He had to remove the make-up he spent an hour to put on and strip the dress he just bought to please the client. He lightly wiped his body dry after washing his whole body and left the towel and his dress in the room he got to stay.

He peeked the way to the room of the master of the house and sighed in relief when he saw no servant on the way. Although he was embarrassed, he could not defy the young noble so he left his room buck naked. He never thought of wearing a towel around his body.

Even in his one year of service in the brothel, he was never completely naked in front of anyone. His customers preferred to do it while he had his dresses on. Now the new customer told him to be naked, he was utterly nervous. He was more nervous than the time he stole anything eatable when he was young.

Jose was an orphan from a town far from Musteronis, the capital of Mustero Dukedom. He lived in the slums until the day he was caught by some shady people. He was sold off to a house of prostitution in Musteronis. His work at that place was cleaning and chores, that was, before a drunk customer violated him. Nobody knew whether it was a mistake or intentional. Jose did have a small body and pretty face.

But after the incident, the head of the prostitutes made him a whore; she dressed him in women's clothes and made him received the customers who did not have enough money to pay for the girls. Jose had a small and frail body so he often could not do his hard labour chores. He naively thought that he no longer had to do hard labour and he could rest during the day like the beautiful sisters in the brothel.

But reality was the farthest from his imagination! The number of customers he received was not enough to meet the minimum quota so he had to help with cleaning during the day. Even if he luckily got a customer, they were so rough with him that he had to lie in bed in pain for a whole day, or maybe, even two!

And since the commission he got was low, he could only eat like the servants and he dared not think of buying new clothes. All clothes he had were some old dresses handed down to him by the kinder big sisters in the brothel.

When Jose heard someone was looking for a male prostitute and that person asked him to follow him to his master's house, he was both excited and afraid. People whom he had served before were mostly broke people who want to have fun but could not afford the girls. They treated him very harshly as if they were venting their anger on him. On the other hand, the ones who especially ask for him were even worse. They usually made him unable to walk for a day.

When this new customer even invited him to his house, he understood that he would be paid well but he was scared. He was scared if he could survive till the next day after the customer 'did it' to him. But he dared not refuse since he knew that his mistress, the owner of the brothel, would beat him to death if he did so he worked his brain to the extreme and came up with the idea of asking for money in advance, not knowing that would only shackle him later.

When the person who looked for him actually paid upfront and brought him into the courtyard of Duke Mustero, his face paled. As soon as he knew the client he had to entertain was a noble, his heart froze. He wanted to run away but he could not. He had already received the payment. He even bought a second-hand dress that looked a little better than the old and dull ones he had to please his client!


Jose let a shameful voice came out as he could not hold it in anymore. His mind was in shambles! He thought he was dreaming but he clearly felt the pleasure amidst the pain between his buttocks. He did not want this current feeling to end anytime soon.

"More… Please, more, Sir! Ah~"

He mumbled even when his face was buried in the bed. His hands tightly clenched the bed sheet. He enjoyed the most intense orgasm ever in his life and before he knew, he fell asleep.

The next day, he got two sets of old clothes of the master of the house. He had never dared to dream wearing clothes of a noble in his life! Although they were old clothes, they still looked better the any clothes he had ever seen in the brothel. He was afraid he might ruin the clothes so he only wore them when the master of the house summoned him to have meal together with him. When night fell, he slept with a bathrobe with only panties under it.


He dreamt the moment of pleasure he had with the master of the house. It felt too vivid as if was real but he soon woke up because he could not breathe well. He opened his eyes only to find someone was kissing him forcefully. He was startled before he could try to push that person away. But his hands did not move. They were firmly locked inside the hand of the person on him. He also felt something hot between his thighs.

Finally, the person on top of him moved his mouth away from his, and said in a deep voice, "You finally wake up."

"Sir Huvel…?"

The person on him was indeed his client!

"You are already this aroused in your sleep. Are you dreaming of me?" he continued, in a playful tone.

Jose's face flushed red and he could not reply. He found himself quite unsightly when he looked down. His bathrobe was in disarray and the saber from Sir Huvel's crotch was trying to sheath itself under his panties. He was terrified if the sir would be angry because he wore woman panties so he quickly tried to remove them by working his bottom since his hands were not free yet.

"No need to undress. If we make a hole, there will be a way." Sir Huvel said as if he knew what he had in his mind.

He saw Sir Huvel's hands moved to his bottom and then he heard the sound of cloth being teared. His buttocks felt cool air. Sir Huvel had made a hole in his panties! Before he could say anything, the cheeks of his bottom felt something hot again!