BL Cupids Sent Me a Meal!

Huvel was quite displeased. He was a calculating person and most of his actions were already planned in his mind. But to his surprise, the 'little teases' he made offhandedly worked better than his plans. The first tease resulted to conquering the librarian and the second tease's result was now in front of him.

Before him was a man that was that was 5 or 6 years older than him. The man had a spotless face and his cheeks were slightly pinkish without rouge. His skin was fair; it was so fair that any mark on the skin would be instantly obvious. His light golden hair was neatly combed to the back and shinning under the morning sunlight that passed through the window. His pair of light blue eyes suited his skin and hair very well.

Although Huvel became quite tall after growing up, that man was still a bit taller than him. He wore a white shirt and an elegant waistcoat on top. The body under the shirt looked to be slender and fit. To sum up, he was totally Huvel's type!

"Did the homosexual cupids pity me and send this gorgeous man?" Huvel marveled in his heart. "It would be rude to the cupids if I were to decline this meal. So, ittadakimasu!"


It started when Karl made a signal to him indicating that he had to say something in secret. That day Karl went into the city to run the errand but he returned shortly after he left.

Huvel casted Dark Shroud and asked him, "Have you already announce the news?"

"No, master. But someone gave me an advice that I should find a high-class male courtesan! So, master, I want to ask you if I can look for them." Karl replied; his eyes were with the hope that he would not become the hated person of the city.

"Pfft!" Huvel laugh softly. "To give such advice, that person seems to hate you."

"Why do master say so? Aren't they the same like those in the brothels? The only difference is that they are more expensive. That's what I heard." Karl replied innocently.

Huvel very much wanted to laugh at how Karl was very oblivious to the fact that the courtesans' courting was not all about sex and that male courtesans courted only female clients. Moreover, it seemed like he still did not know what two men do in bed was vastly different from what a man and a woman do.

"Should I enlighten him?" He wondered.

Huvel already knew that there were male courtesans in the city. And he also heard that they were very proud and acted like nobles. It was not surprising because after all, most of their clients were nobles and rich merchants so they had to act dignified to catch the clients' eyes.

Huvel grinned evilly as he decided to tease Karl who was already an adult but still innocent. He also wondered how those high-class courtesans that bedded the widowed nobles and daughters of merchants would react if Karl asked them to be 'the bedded'!

"Fine. You can look for them. You can offer them as many as three-fourth of my monthly allowance for the price of one week."

Although the amount was not small, he believed it was not enough to make a courtesan sell his body to him.

"But don't hit people too hard or get yourself killed!" He warned Karl.

"Eh, why should I hit people. I'll only invite them politely. Don't worry master."

Karl was still clueless when he left the room but he finally understood his master's warning when he came back with bruises.

"Master, you knew this would happen, didn't you?!" Karl complained to Huvel.

"Hehe, that was why I said the person who gave you that advice hates you." Huvel said with a laugh. "But this is fine as well. Now you and I will be more famous as the immoral master and servant duo!"

But Huvel found out his calculation was wrong after two days when Karl reported that he brought a male courtesan with him when he returned from his morning training. Karl said that he saw the man near the gate of the courtyard. He was not one of the courtesans Karl had met.

That day, Karl gave up after meeting two courtesans because they ordered their servants to follow and beat him in anger. Karl escaped them after suffering a few punches but he could not visit the other courtesans anymore. The man that waited for Karl in front of the gate said that he was interested in the offer after hearing the news.

Huvel slowly shook his head looking at Karl who did not repent but held his head high after reporting. He really did not think there would be a male courtesan this bold.

"It seems someone is in desperate need of money." He thought.

But his offer was just a tease for Karl and he did not really want to spend that much money for the fun of a single week. Moreover, he imagined the male courtesans as hunks with big muscles that old widow nobles would find attractive but he was not really into hunks. He decided to just send the visitor back. Even though it would make him look very rude and untrustworthy, his reputation was already bad so he could not care more.

He just finished his breakfast so he thought of receiving the visitor there, at the dining table and ordered to bring him in.

"Good morning, Sir Huvel. My name is Laurent, Laurent Armon." The man said as he bowed his head at Huvel.

"Good morning, Laurent Armon…?"

Huvel who was thinking to send the visitor back after a few words swallowed his next word when he saw the man named Laurent Armon. He was clearly different from what Huvel thought of male courtesans, the muscular hunks. He immediately changed his mind and decided to rope the man in!

"Have you had a breakfast? If not, why don't you join me?" He asked Laurent with a smile although he had already finished eating.

In truth, he just wanted some time to think of a way to 'trick' and successfully invite the man without having to spend three-third of his monthly allowance.

"Thank you, sir. I already had."

"Very well then… Follow me. We will talk upstairs."