Daredevil let me go

"Stop right there"

I knew I was the one she was referring to but I pretended as if she was talking to a different person.

My brother who was standing at the entrance of the porch raise his hand towards me and yell at me,

"Are you not the one mom was talking to?

'Ooh this daredevil can't he pretend he doesn't know that anything is going on ' I thought.

My brother is one of those people that will never let you go scot-free when something happens.

And when it regards me he will never let that opportunity go without getting our parents to beat me. Sometimes I feel he enjoy it anytime they beat me, it seems like a reward for him.

" Derrick.... "

I mention his name with the look of expectation of letting me go while walking toward him, then my mother asks

"You are now coming home since morning right? Look at you, you don't even bathe for the whole day. "

"Is that the only cloth you have? "

I suddenly stop with my back facing her

"I'm talking to you JJ"

she yelled.

I turned and shake my head.

She sighed and looked at me with disgust

"Go and throw those things you are wearing away and bath"

I lowered my head a little and looked at her with the expression 'Then what'

Really? what am I even thinking, I thought she will beat me first before sending me to have a bath.

"What else are you waiting for? it seems like you are now immune to the cane" said my mother.

I quickly run towards the backyard to throw away the rugs I was wearing before I enrage her.

I know my mother let me go just because my father wasn't home. Anytime he comes back drunk, he will put all his troubles on me and beat me to the core.

Occasionally I wonder if I'm a son of his. How can a father whip his own twelve years child like a punching bag?

I entered the building through the back door which happens to be just in the backyard, in other not to find any trouble for myself.

Entering our bathroom I notice my brother has neatly scrabbed it.

"You dont need to stain this neat place with your dirt JJ"

"Lemme check up on Jesse"

I silently murmured to myself.

Jesse was the only person that had her room. I guess is because she is a girl or maybe because she is the last born. She is Nine years old, three years younger than me and I'm a year older than Derrick.

Jesse was reading her elementary class textbook on her bed when I enter.

"What do you want?"

she asked without looking at me after she knew it was me.

"Can I use your bathroom? "

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For personal conversation, get me through the email ** pensonnovels@gmail.com **

The hidden gem -Penson.