The next thing I realized was a drench of water on my body and around me.
'It feels cold, this is the best time for sleep'
I dragged my wet blanket over myself and hugged it between my legs.
I turned around and saw the silhouette of my father holding a basket with my slightly open eyes.
'Oooh God I'm dead '
I quickly stand up and feel the wet sheet under my feet before I realized my father has poured a basket full of water on me.
Waking up early is one of the things I find very difficult to do. I overslept many times and have to be awake with water by my father. He is such a bully.
'Mr bully' I murmured while gritting my teeth.
He walked closer to me, I can see the anger in his eyes. I trembled and my leg started to shake, I didn't know whether if because of the cold or the fear. I suppose to be running by now but my leg says otherwise.
"Janah how many times do I have to wake you up? Kids your age are already in their classrooms by now, what is it that you are still doing on the bed"
He said angrily while walking towards me. He raised the basket in his hand. I guess he was trying to use it on me.
With fear, I closed my eyes expecting whatever to happen can happen.
'Only the gods can help me this morning '
I was busily praying for help when I heard my mum
"It's so early in the morning and he has to go to school too. Is there any need to hit him"
She begs him with a pitiful face. Mr. bully has no choice but to give in.
Although my Dad is such a bully, I never see him raising his hand on my mother. I can always see the love in his eyes for her. It seems like she is the last person he has left in this world.
They only have each other left is the only possible explanation I can think of about them. I had never caught a glimpse of my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, or any other family members before apart from my brother and sister. It's taboo in my house, we never talk about them.
When I was knocked out of my opinions, I saw my Dad staring at my mum. I suddenly jumped out of the bed running towards the door.
He saw me running away and pointed his hand after me
"You have spoiled him enough, see him he can't even wake up on his own now"
After hearing what he said I instantly stop in my track and looked at him
Those words keep ringing in my ears like strange new words I have heard for the first time.
'Is there a different meaning of the word 'spoil' that I never heard of before ?'
I asked myself and buried my head on the ground.
"What do you mean by I spoil him? Didn't he suffer enough? When at all are you people going to leave my son alone?"
My mom blasted at him.
I felt warm in my heart after hearing what my mum says.
I hurried outside and quickly finished my chores. I run through the shower, after cleaning myself, I put on my uniform and my washed boots.
Running downstairs I felt no presence of my dad. I went for my fees from mom and put my school bag behind my back. I hold both strands of the bag like the best student on his way to school.
"Mum, I'm heading to school now"
I said while waving my hand.
"Okay come back early. Stay out of trouble and don't dirty your whole self before coming back"
She keeps nagging, without saying anything I run away.
After opening the gate, the first person I saw was James, Mammy Ansah's son.
'Even if I'm running away from trouble, the trouble is running after me'
He and her mom are such a bully, they never let go of any opportunity to bully me.
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The hidden gem -Penson.