Chapter 85

The remnants of the attack were dealt with swiftly, the only reason they managed this level of destruction and chaos was due to the nature of their attack. I didn't really listen on the details, but apparently one of the 'elders' who was close to Yasaka was apparently a spy, or just fed up with her in general and aligned himself with the rabble.

The 'hero' faction were taken, and confined to wherever Yasaka keeps her dungeon. Only Siegfried died, several others are in critical condition. They are keeping them alive, mostly for questioning, but alive they are. Unfortunately, I couldn't 'remove' their sacred gears.....without killing them, that is. All of them except for Jeanne, they were more like 'concepts' that wrapped around their souls than actual items like the Boosted Gear. Less tangible, and I didn't know if they would die or not, and Yasaka seemed to want them alive for some very advanced interrogation. Perhaps I'll get the chance to do something with themlater. Jeanne though, I just couldn't touch her sacred gear due to the holy nature. But I helped seal them tight.....Georg's was surprisingly difficult to keep down. It seemed to want to escape whatever i did at any moment.

Well, one of the lot was up and about.

"And he won't do anything?" Yasaka questioned Artoria.

"He gave me his word he will not forgo his punishment nor will he bring you any harm." Artoria nodded.

Yasaka looked at me. "I trust her with my life." And her instinct was frighteningly accurate.

She seemed to accept that and just turned to the one prisoner who was not bound. "You plotted against me and many of my people are dead."

"Yes." Arthur spoke, not even speaking anything in his defense.

"The only reason you haven't been thoroughly forced to speak everything you know is your thin relations with Artoria." Yasaka added.

Artoria never spoke of her connection with him and by extension the Pendragon family, but the physical similarities between the two of them was rather hard to miss. Not to mention the glowing holy sword that denoted her the true king of England.

"Why?" Yasaka finally asked, seemingly exasperated.

"To protect my sister."

"Do you expect me to sympathize with you?" Yasaka scoffed.

"No, I merely gave an answer." Arthur shook his head.

Yasaka seemed annoyed with his answer but wanted more information regardless. "What happened to your sister?"

"My family would not relinquish her, and I was already doing everything I could to pressure them into not hurting my lover." Arthur explained. "She is a genius magician, perhaps only matched by her namesake. Since I left, they had doubled down on their control over here. I don't know how it happened, but Cao Cao made them back off and brought her out from under them."

Yasaka huffed, clenching her fists in anger, then letting out a long sigh. "You didn't actually harm any of my people, nor did you have a direct hand in my daughter's suffering…..I can more or less guess what your relationship is with this Cao Cao." She rubbed her temples. "Twenty years of servitude. No doubt with your abilities, living past a normal human's lifespan would be a simple matter."

"I will serve to the best of my abilities." Arthur dropped his head in a bow.

"A knight does make a vow like this lightly." Artoria said sternly.

"My word is my bond." He replied. "I would offer my sword, but I feel like I would get beaten up if I take it out."

"You have another weapon?" Artoria asked.

"Yes, I only used Caliburn under dire circumstances." He stated. "I usually stuck to using Excalibur Ruler."

"Excalibur…..ruler." Artoria repeated the words, almost like they were poison in her mouth. "Take it out."

Arthur just blinked, not seeing any negative looks from Yasaka and nodded, pulling out the sword from wherever he kept it.

Artoria snatched it, her expression unreadable, but I could tell her emotions were very turbulent. "This is not Excalibur." She sighed, placing her hands on either end and snapping the blade like it was made of wood. "Let it rest in peace." She said quietly, placing the pieces back into his hands.

Arthur just stared at the pieces his sword had once been. Even Yasaka looked genuinely surprised at what Artoria had just done.

"You said your family, the Pendragon family, is holding your lover hostage?" She spoke up again.

"Yes." Arthur said quietly. "I fell in love with one of the maids working at the family estate."

Dammit, I'm not really in the mood to make a joke with that.

"Perform your duties well and I shall go retrieve her at a later date." Artoria turned around and walked away. Apparently, she needed a moment to herself, not that I could blame her.

"Well…." I broke the small silence. "I guess that puts an end to this matter?"

Yasaka looked….unamused, pacing back and forth for a few more moments. I think she wanted to ask some things, but she refrained for now.

It also seems Yasaka still has much to say to this young man who is on the wrong end of her ire.

"Wilhelm, bring me to see my daughter before I start kicking him out of annoyance." Yasaka finally turned away from the blonde knight.

"With pleasure."

Gathering both Artoria and Yasaka, we entered Zelretch's living room. It was rather spacious all things considered, and there wasn't anything particularly private in the area, so I felt fine bringing a guest here.

"Mommy!" a shout across the building drew all our attentions.

"My little fox." Yasaka swept her daughter up in her arms.

Zelretch and Rin followed right after her.

"Thank you so much." Yasaka turned her eyes towards the two unfamiliar people.

"Think nothing of it." Zelretch gave a gentle smile. "I was more than happy to meet my great granddaughter." He said with a laugh.

Oh goddammit....whatever.

"Wilhelm spoke of you briefly, it's good to finally meet you." Yasaka gave a polite bow towards Zelretch.

Oh, here we go.

"It seems my grandson is still up to no good with the ladies." Zelretch chuckled. "Do I have yet another granddaughter now?"

"I'm trying." Yasaka replied. "He just continues to heartlessly reject my confessions." Yasaka dramatically feigned heartache.

"Daddy." Kunou slipped out of Yasaka's grasp and collided with with me, I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her.

"Did you have fun with gramps?"

"Uh huh, he showed me some toys he made, Ruby was really nice too."

Oh, that could only end well.

"Whose Ruby?" Yasaka asked, turning towards Rin.

"No, no." Rin denied. "I'm Rin Tohsaka."

"Another of Wilhelm's harem, is it?"

"What!? NO." Rin shouted shock. Before turning towards me. "Wait, you have a harem!?"

"You didn't know?" Yasaka tilt her head, eyeing me.

"You didn't tell her?" I pushed this question off to Artoria.

"I-I never found the time to bring it up." She turned slightly red.

Zelretch just cackled.

"Was Saber not enough for you, – you -- You manwhore!" Rin pointed at me.

"Rin, jealously isn't a good look on you."

"Who would be jealous of you!?"

"Kids." Zelretch stepped forward.

"Hmph." Rin crossed her arms, clearly overcome with jealously.

"What a fun bunch you are." Yasaka smiled. "I really can't you all enough, Kyoto is always open to you and I would love to host you at some point." She stopped for a moment, taking in her surroundings. "Why does it feel so strange here?"

"Never been to Kyoto." Rin mused, seemingly changing the subject with haste. "Actually, I never been to anywhere in Japan outside of Fuyuki."

"Hmm, isn't that in the Oita Prefecture?" She tilted her head.

"Yeah, I'm the second over there." Rin beamed.

"Second owner?" Yasaka asked in confusion.

"Erm.." Rin paused. "It's a mage thing." She waived her hand dismissively.

Yasaka didn't dwell on it thankfully.

"A trip would be lovely, I'll see if I can squeeze in the time for a future visit." Zelretch lied with practiced ease.

How much effort would it take for him to leave this world line like that?

"I apologize for the suddenness of my visit and now I'm leaving abruptly as well, but with the recent attack on my territory, I have a great many things I need to take care of." Yasaka spoke, clearly indicating that she needed to leave.

"My dear, is it completely understandable." Zelretch quickly eased her discomfort. "I'm sure we'll be seeing much more of each other. I do of course wish for my great granddaughter to visit as well."

He is really enjoying this. "Yeah, yeah, keep playing it up." I rolled my eyes. "I'll take you both back." Kunou was still grabbing me as I pat her head and Yasaka gave me a smile.

Yasaka said her goodbyes we I opened a portal for us right back where we left.

"You going to be okay?" I looked towards Yasaka briefly, before taking in the damage around the area.

"We should be fine now…..comparatively." She sighed. "I thought we cleaned up enough last time, and here we are again doing this all over again. Atleast I'm positive we weeded out all the traitors this time."

I thought for a moment before taking out several Talismans. "Kunou, sweetie." I knelt down next to her. "Would you do daddy a favor and keep this on you at all times?"

"What do they do?"

"They're good luck charms, I made them especially for you." I gave her a smile. Experimental, but they should trigger upon receiving an attack of sufficient damage.

"Okay!" She happily took them.

Yasaka looked me over and sighed again. "You really are a good man…" She gave a small smile, watching her daughter's happy expression. "Before and now... how am I supposed to pay you back if you keep rejecting me?" She gave a light laugh.

To say I don't have a soft spot for her would be a lie. "We barely know each other." I know I'm being hypocritical for saying that, but it just felt different this time. It makes it even weirder considering I have basically accepted Kunou as my daughter….

She just laughed. "Maybe I've been going about this wrong then?"

"I like the mischievous side of you." I admitted. "But I can rarely tell if you're being sincere or not and I don't want my heart played with."

She paused, her expression changing. "I see….is that how you've felt?" She muttered to herself seemingly lost in thought before sighing again. "Kunou, sweetie, say goodbye to Daddy."

"Come back soon." She wrapped me up tight again.

"Of course." I hugged her back.

"Please come back and visit soon…..Kunou has grown rather attached." Yasaka rubbed her daughter's head. "Though she isn't the only one wanting you to visit more."

"Perhaps…..we can spend some time together later." I offered.

"I would like that." Yasaka brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, giving a bright smile as I left through a portal.


I let out a long breath as I stepped back into Zelretch's workshop.

"Long day?" He asked, gesturing for me to have a seat.

"Has Artoria told you everything?" I sat right next to the mentioned woman.

"Some things." He replied. "But filling in the blanks would be helpful."

"Yeah, like why was there a Phantasmal beast, a 9 tailed fox dropped ontop of me." Rin deadpanned.

"You mean that literally or –"

"Quite literal." Zelretch chuckled.

"Damn, I'm good."

"I hate you." Rin drolled.

"Alright, alright, I got some goodies for you from my trip, I'll give them to you later."

"Hmph, you better." Rin huffed.

I looked at Artoria and I couldn't help but put my arm around her shoulder. She gave a small smile as she nudged herserf closer to me. "So, basically, that was Yasaka, she rules over half the Youkai in Japan. I'm on pretty friendly terms with her."

"Friendly terms?" Rin raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I can think of two BIG reasons for that."

Ah, well, her breasts are magnificent, I can't deny that. "Anyways!" I expertly changed the subject. "Long story short, saved her daughter, blah blah, that was the first time Artoria came over, met Izanami things happened. Next thing I know, they are attacked again and I kind of panicked and sent Kunou here because it was the safest place I knew."

"That's….actually really adorably." Rin sighed. "How come she was calling you 'daddy'?"

"I may have been adopted by her." I admitted.

"Well, I approve." Zelretch nodded. "She is a wonderful little girl, I look forward to spoiling her."

"I guess she handled Ruby well too…" Rin muttered something about how cute Kunou was and how she was called 'auntie'.

"But….thanks for the help and looking after her." I said sincerely. "Honestly…..I don't think I could handle anything happening to Kunou."

"You've known her for how long?" Rin looked surprised.

"I know." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Don't know what happened, just got rather attached so quickly." Am I projecting my own father issues onto this situation?

Zelretch shrugged. "Why even question it? It doesn't' harm anything, and everyone involved is happier for it."

That….is a good way to look at it.

Fuck it, then.

She's my daughter, I'm adopting her.

"How you doing?" I turned towards Artoria.

"I am….still processing what happened." She looked down at her hands. "I know it is not the same as our world, but still, some things still weigh on my mind." She waved her hand bring out Caliburn.

"Is that what I think it is?" Rin's eyes widened.

"Indeed, atleast that world's version… is a very peculiar blade."

"Yeah, I think the god of the bible even had a hand in its creation." I added.

Zelretch rubbed his chin. "Curious, I wouldn't mind taking a look at it later."

"Speaking of…..I also have this, but it's refusing to obey me." I took out Gram and set it on the coffee table. Yasaka didn't even question my intent to take 'spoils' but the others didn't really grab my attention.

I prefer quality over quantity.

"Oh my, that is a nasty sword." Zelretch admired it. "Feels rather demonic."

"Mmm, Gram, so it's about what you would expect, just not a Noble Phantasm." I left the others with Yasaka, none of them really caught my fancy, and Gram is being very combative with me.

"It's weird seeing a legendary sword like this, and it not being a Noble Phantasm." Rin hesitantly touched the flat of the blade, a small whiff of demonic power pricked her finger as she gave a small yelp. "Stupid sword." She muttered. "

"So, how's your projects going?" I asked.

"Eh." Rin gave a so-so gesture. "Probably need a couple more weeks to finish up."

Damn, a few weeks…..I don't want to rush her, but…..ugh. I want to see Meridia again, but heading there before without them just feels like it would lead to more issues. I mean, time isn't flowing the same for her, so it's only on my end I'm feeling the time, I guess I can keep putting up with this for a bit longer.

"That's fine, I guess I can see to some other matters." I turned back to Zelretch. "Been feeling a bit restless, figured I would end my little 'vacation' here. And I still have that list you gave me, I was thinking of investigating one of the worlds you left notes on, something there caught my interest."

"Oh, which one?" He asked.

"Uh…honestly the name escapes me, but you made a note of it having a broken moon?"


Well, DxD arc is practically wrapped up, got one more interlude next then it's on to the next world, which should be obvious to some people now. And to assuage some worries, I don't plan on the Hero faction becoming some reoccurring villains after this. The next DxD arc is more plot stuff, and he will be meeting the gremory family in full, this was basically a mini vacation for him and just his toes touching the water. With this, it opens more plot points for other factions to take notice -- Heaven knowing he will have the True Longinus now, Azazel coming around wanting to poke the sacred gears, those kinds of things.

Before i forget, big shoutout to Virdan-TheCrazedGamer for helping set up the discord.

Edit: Almost forgot, I'm sorry for missing yesterday, was too tired to write when I got home, my current plan is to do an extra chapter this weekend.

If you want to support me or read 5 chapters ahead, visit my