Chapter 104

Sixteen fighters, each having a fight, and suddenly there are eight of us left.

I was reading over my notes at the moment, watching several fighters utilizing their Aura, Semblances, and Dust throughout their fights.

I had gotten some very valuable data so far. How Dust interacts with Semblances was perhaps one of the biggest boons I've gained.

Semblances – a semblance of Magic. The naming convention wasn't lost on me after I realized what was going on.

Dust which is basically Magical Energy, and a Semblance which is essentially a personal little 'spell'. They interact to achieve different results, to essentially cast new 'spells' based on the user's Semblance. To infuse their personal soul-based expressions to achieve something similar to a spell, it was quite an interesting phenomenon I've stumbled upon here.

When Rufus 'infused' his water clone with Ice, he wasn't merely freezing it. He was changing its underlying principles to become ice.

It was honestly fascinating. I would love to sit here and research this for a few more month, but I had other priorities right now.

I took out the Lamp, giving it a little tap as I watched Jinn come on out.

Jinn appeared without much Fanfare this time, looking around inquisitively, practically beaming. "So many people here." She commented, as people walked by. "Some kind of magic around us so we're not noticed?"

"I put up a Bounded Field that kind of filters perception. I'm recognized as 'sitting here' but not much beyond that." I explained. "How were the books?"

She turned back from the people, giving me a smile. "Having to read something, what an exquisite experience. I could get used to it." She said happily, taking another glance around. "Why are so many people looking at you in annoyance?"

"Oh, well….I may have offended some delicate sensibilities."

She gave me a dry look, like she didn't think that was everything. "Well, I assume you didn't call on me because you wanted to be pleasured in front of so many people."

"Are you going to assume that's why I call you every time?"

"Yes." She smiled mirthfully, taking a seat in my lap. "So, how may I be of service, Master~"

I forcibly calmed myself down.

Neither the time nor the place…..unfortunately.

"Tell me what you think." I handed over my notebook

She accepted, reading it over with varying changes in expression. I didn't interrupt her, but my hands slit down her waist as they ran along her thighs. I gave them a little squeeze and I heard her give a tiny yelp, but otherwise didn't react.

This is mine.

Was it my Devil or Dragon aspects that made me think this way?

Hell, it may have just been the hormones of someone my age regardless.

But I didn't care.

This was mine.

"It seems you have figured many things out." She hummed. "And you noticed the joke behind the term -- Semblance." She giggled.

"I guess you can't tell me anymore than that?"

"Would you like to ask me a question?" She rolled her eyes, the phrase almost automatic, but I could catch the very blatant hint.

"I guess I haven't found everything yet if you still can't openly talk about secrets." I sighed. "But I suppose that is also fun in of itself. A mystery wouldn't be enjoyable if it were so easily solvable."

"Oh, I know the feeling all too well." She purred. "I have yet to read through all the books you've given me, I can't stop this excited beating of my chest. What other secrets are you hiding?" She ran a finger along my chest. "Must I loosen you lips through other means?"

"Tempting, but I can't right now." I said reluctantly as my scroll buzzed again.

She huffed, shifting around. "Annoying contraption, ruining the mood." I just laughed, taking it out to look, sighing when I saw who sent me another message. Jinn peered over my shoulder. "My, my, you have a woman in your lap and here you are chatting with another, aren't you just a shameless man." She stated, though her tone held more amusement than anything else.

"Well, I technically have a Harem."

Jinn just blinked at me before laughing. "I am not surprised."

"I feel like I should be offended."

"Shall I be meeting them then?" She asked. "Hell, I am Jinn, your lover's personal – what do they say these days – Cock sleeve?"

I practically choked when the words left her mouth. "Where the hell did you hear something like that?"

"I know everything presently happening, she deadpanned." She pointed towards the scroll in my hand.

"Oh….that is unfortunate." I admitted. To know everything happening on this world's equivalent to the internet. I almost want to question her sanity. "I don't treat you like that thought." I frowned.

"Mmm, you don't." She agreed. "It is surprising. I had expected you to bend me over the first opportunity, but you barely even touch me."

"Did you really think that low of me?"

"With the way your eyes roamed by body –"

"You were naked." I interjected.

"Had I worn clothes, I wonder if that would have made a different." The corners of her lips curled up. "I jest, but you have been good to me so far."

I huffed. "Of course, you're mine, I take care of what's mine."

"What a good master I've found~" She leaned in, kissing my cheek. "But I would not have complained about it either. I am well aware of what I offered when I suggested such a thing. Even had I been spending the majority of time on my knees; I would have no complaints."

"You really value this relationship that much?" I asked skeptically.

"I have lived a very long 'life'." She said quietly. "I watched the world change over the years, and I was resigned to watch it continue to change in directions I hate watching. The few times I had been called were my only reprieve, to interact with someone or something in any capacity. It was my duty though, my reason for creation, I never questioned it. Then you come along and I peek at something much greater than this little corner that I thought was everything. So, I took a chance, and I do not regret my choice. So, use me, hurt me, do whatever you wish with this body of mine, I will not complain."

"I'm not heartless." I grumbled. "I'm not just going to turn you into some 'toy'."

"I know." She smiled. "That's why you're a good person." She kissed my cheek again before disappearing back into her lamp.

[I like her.]

"You do?" I paused my thoughts, answering the dragon.

[She doesn't pussyfoot around, she saw something she wanted and went for it. I approve.]

"Huh." I guess that does fit with Ddraig personality, or rather the sentiments of a dragon. "I like her too, I'm glad she's going to be coming with us."


"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, LET ME INTRODUCE OUR TOP 8 FIGHTERS" The announcer was was up to his usual shenanigans to hype up the crowd.

I kind of like him.

He gestured towards a machine in the middle, a button with matching brackets. "WITH THE TOP 8 SELECTED, WE'RE GOING TO BEGING THE NEXT ROUND." He shouted. "EVERY FIGHTER WILL TAKE THEIR TURN TO RANDOMIZE THEIR PLACEMENT. FIRST UP, WE HAVE THE ONE AND ONLY – INVINCIBLE GIRL, PYRHHA NIKOS." He gestured towards Red.

She looked...uneasy by that nickname. I expected her to hold it with pride, but she really didn't seem to enjoy the fanfare around her.

The way she had been blowing up my scroll, I wondered if she even had any friends. I commented on it before and didn't want to poke much into it, but fame like this must make it hard to connect with people. While not the same issues I had when I was her age, I can sympathize with being alone.

She walked up, pushed the button as her name and face appeared on one end of the brackets. The cheers from the crowd erupted, though it didn't really matter yet, no suspense when there were no others present.

"NEXT, OUR RUNNER UP FROM THE LAST YEARS TOURNMENT, ARSLAN ALTAN" Another woman stepped forward, wearing a more traditional martial artists garb. She gave Pyrrha a death glare as she walked forward.

"What's that about." I whispered towards the girl as she had taken to stand near me.

"Oh, we have…history." Pyrrha said quietly.

"Did you steal her boyfriend or something?"

"W-why would you think something like that?" Her face turned red.

"Oh, Red, you're too easy." I chuckled. "She hold a grudge from last year?" I asked, as the third person was called up, only for him to fill in an empty spot.

"And the year before." She confirmed. "We've fought a few times so far."

"And you've won every time?"


"Oh, nice." I nodded.


The reactions were….mixed. I definitely heard some booing in there, so I did the obvious thing and waved to the crowd.

I walked up and smashed the button as my randomizer went off.

The crowd erupted again as my name was the first to match up with someone elses.


Ah, the guy who was right before me. I barely was paying attention. I did see his match, and he interested me slightly because the main form of his weapon was a sword. Otherwise, he didn't really grab much of my interest. Blue hair, some leather armor, and a sword on his hip, he was pretty much the norm for the crowd here.

He looked towards Cobalt and gestured for him to come back up. "As the first fight for the top 8, this is a big honor here. Do either of you have something you want to say?" He asked towards us. "And please keep it appropriate for kids." He eyed me.

"I do have something to say." I cleared my throat and he looked suddenly unsure of himself. "Do you know the chances of being both the first person to fight in the top 16, then in the top 8?" I asked, making sure his mic was by my face. "3%. Just some food for thought." I smiled innocently.

"That is….an interesting comment." The announcer didn't quite catch my intended jab at the organizers. "What about you, Cobalt? Anything you wish to say to your opponent, or anything for the listeners out there?"

Cobalt also eyed me as he leaned in. "This fight will be settled with Skill, nothing else." The look he gave, like he was challenging me.

Well, consider my pride poked. "If that's what you want."

He nodded and walked away. Seemingly a person with few words, I could respect that. He also didn't start insulting my mom, so I wouldn't mess around if he wanted an actual fight.

Well, I guess I could show off a little.


Non-canon Omake The Time Variance Authority and why they don't bother Wilhelm anymore.

I paced around the room, tie straightened, clothes immaculate. "This is it, Sir Wiggles." I glanced at my companion, sitting on the desk, his clothes also looking sharp. "This is the case that will make or break our careers."

He twitched his nose.

"I know, but we have to do this." I nodded. "I didn't spend two weeks taking those online courses, getting a degree, just so I could hang it on my wall as a decoration!" I slammed my fist on the desk.

He twitched his nose again.

"Wise word, wise words" Truly my familiar was wise. "Put on your game face, Sir wiggles, we're heading to the front lines." I opened a portal, grabbing my rabbit.

We were going to the think of it.

The view changed abrupt, a courtroom filling our new surroundings.

"OBJECTION" I shouted, walking in abruptly, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room.

"What in the hels?" I looked at my new client who reacted shocked at my presence.

"Loki Odinson, I am your attorney for this kangaroo court!" I Declared at the utter dumbfounded looks of the judge and apparent bailloffs.

"What!? Who are you!?" The judge shouted as several people came running at me.

"Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg, Attorney at Law!" I snapped my fingers, portals opening up at the charging men, strange 'weapons' in their hands, as they fell into other dimensions.

"What!?" The judge shouted again.

"The TVA, Time Variance Authority, I have heard of your miscarriages of justice."

"Who are you?" She asked again.

"I am Wilhelm Henry Schweinorg." I reiterated. "Master of the Second True Magic, operation and manipulation of parallel worlds."

Her eyes widened, perhaps coming to some conclusions.

"What do you want?" She shifted slightly, I assume she was hitting a panic button, buying some time. No matter.

"I am here to preside over my client's trial." I gestured to Loki.

"I have no idea who you are either." Loki pointed out.

"Quiet, Criminal." I shushed him. "I'm bullshitting on your behalf."

"That's helpful." Loki snarked.

"Now, we're all on the same page." I threw Talisman at the door, sealing it shut as people began to bang on it, much to everyone's shock.

"How? My magic isn't working here!" Loki looked aghast.

"Your honor, I would like to put it on the record that Loki is an amateur and has no idea how to use magic."

"What!? I am a god of magic you mortal; I know more about magic than you can even conceive!"

"Your honor, my client wishes to push an insanity plea."


"For my first witness, I call Loki Odinson to the stand." I snapped my finger, bringing out a witness booth next to the judge's stand.

Suddenly, Loki fell through the floor, a portal opening above the new seat and he fell through.

The judge almost reeled back by the sudden intrusions.

"I can walk you buffoon!" He readjusted himself.

"Your honor, permission to treat the witness as hostile."

"Hostile, I'll show you hostile –"

"Granted." She surprisingly said.

"Loki Odinson, is it true you once turned into a horse to entice another horse to mount you?"


"Your honor, let the record state that my client had intercourse with a horse."


"Loki is a known Liar, presume everything he says is a lie."

"That's bullshit!"

"See, he just admitted it."

"I'm going to stab you."

Just then, the talisman on the door finally ripped, and another slew of guards ran inside. Their strange staffs glowed as one tried up and tried to stab me with it. Expectance on their faces turned into confusion as nothing happened, a small iridescent ripple covered me.

"Are you trying to purge me from the time line? What part of Magic that manipulates parallel worlds did you not understand?" I looked at the judge again.

I snapped my fingers, the newcomers falling into a new batch of seats, a jury bench off to the side, quickly sealed up to not allow movement.

"Finally, our jury is here." I walked up to the people that would decide my client's fate. "Now, I know what you're all thinking, why is Loki Odinson innocent?" I gave them all a look. "Well, he's not, and we all know that."

"You are the worst attorney I've ever seen."

"Some of us take the oath to speak the truth seriously!" I chided him.

"THAT'S ONLY FOR WITNESSESS." Loki practically lost his composure.

"Oh…..I knew that."

"Are you even an attorney?"

"Got my online degree yesterday." I puffed up my chest.

"Sweet Odin, send me to Niflheim now."

"As I was saying, Loki is innocent of all charges levied against him." I slammed my fist on the bench. "There's no way he molested that horse, it was concensual!"

"I never thought I could hate someone so much that I've only know for a few minutes." Loki whispered.

"If the horse dick doesn't fit, you must acquit!"

"Seriously, hand me a knife, I'll kill myself right now, save everyone the trouble."

"Do you even know what charges Loki Odinson is facing?" The Judge spoke up again, clearly regaining her composure.

"Okay, honestly, I'm kind of winging it here."

"Loki is charged with creating a branching timeline, potentially destroying the sacred timeline and starting a multiverse war."

"Wow." I looked at Loki. "Yeah, fuck this guy."

"Really, after all that?" Loki looked at me dryly.

"You're right, even if you are a piece of shit, I took an oath to defend you." I straightened my tie again. "Your honor, I request we strike the previous conversation from the record."


"Welp, I tried." I shrugged. "I guess you're going to jail, Loki."

"We don't have jail. Punishment is immediate purging."

"That seemes a bit excessive, he only fucked one horse." I pointed out.


"Loki." I looked at him. "You can admit it, I'm going to judge you for it either way."

"I'm going to dance on your corpse."

"Oho, get in line." I chuckled. "Don't worry, I have one finally card to play."

"I doubt it." Loki rebuttaled.

"No, my partner is an expert, he actually went to law school and didn't pay someone in lewd feet pics for a fake degree."

"That seems like an oddly specific thing to say." Loki reeled back. "Where is this vaunted partner of yours then?"

"Sir Wiggles, the floor is yours!" I gestured towards the magnificent rabbit on the table.

He bounced back and forth, wiggled his butt and twitched his nose.

"Well said." I wiped a tear from my eye. "you always know how to make a moving speech. I didn't think I would ever feel sympathy for Loki, horse fucker."

"Word cannot describe the degree of which my anger burns for you right now."

"This is getting rediculuos." The judge stood up. "Who do you think you are, we –"

My scroll beeped. "Oh, looks like it's time."

"Pardon?" She looked at me strangely.

I didn't answer, the building shook as explosions erupted outside.

"Time to go." I walked over, yanking Loki out of his seat and throwing him through a portal. I turned back to the scrambling TVA members. "You're all stupid, your jobs are stupid, I find your existence an affront to everything I stand for. Good day." I followed behind, portal closing right as I walked through.

Loki pushed himself up, sand falling down his face as the heat of the desert hit us.

"Well, that was a good distraction, nicely done." I praised.

"Wait, you did all of that… a distraction?" He stood up. "So you could blow them up?"


"…..You, I like you." He smiled mirthfully. "So, where do we go from here?"


I realize people were looking forward to the next fight, and I'm not doing this on purpose, I wrote these chapters last week. So, here's an omake to tie you all over, he fights next chapter.

Anyways, if you want to read 5 chapters ahead or support me, visit my