Izanami POV
"It's good to see you back."
"I'm happy to be back." Raikou answered cheerfully. "Everyone has been so welcoming as soon as I returned too."
Venelana gave her a side hug. "It's because everyone is glad that you're back home."
It's sweet.
"Did Yasaka and the others have any indication they were coming back yet?" I asked.
Raikou shook her head. "Scáthach may be back soon, but Yasaka and Artoria are still dealing with a lot of things that require their presence. I think Jinn isn't coming back either because she's overseeing some stuff as well. Unfortunately, it's nothing that I can help with."
Wilhelm did say that he would be coming back to help her with some matters regarding 'cleanup' there as well.
"I'm sure the children at school are missing you." I chimed in, knowing she loves working at the school Kunou was going to for the longest time.
Raikou smiled brightly, pressing her cheeks together with a barely held back laugh before putting a bunch of different papers on the table. A quick glance showed lots of drawings, writings, and other things of that nature.
"These were all waiting for me when I got back. All the children had been writing me letters and giving me drawings, and all of them were so sweet, wishing me the best."
"Aww, that's adorable." Venelana cooed. "I'm sure they're going to be thrilled that you're going to be back now."
"We should— " My words abruptly died because a portal opened up and Wilhelm came walking out. "Wilhelm?"
His head peeked around a very large stack of papers.
He silently walked over and dropped them on the table, making it shake.
"...Are you okay, dear?" Venelana was the first to ask him as we all noticed his expression.
"49 hours." He said pointedly. Then he looked around, and his eyes landed on Raikou. Before any of us could blink, he had scooped her up in his arms and taken her out of the room.
"Master~?!" Raikou's voice squeaked from the living room, and a flurry of new sounds could be heard from there.
Venelana and I shared a look amidst the sounds coming from the other room.
Venelana first grabbed one of the papers and looked it over, blinking in surprise. "Land deeds?" She shuffled through them. "A lot of land deeds. And here are some documents on… border laws?"
I let out a sigh, not knowing if I wanted to even hear the details of what he's doing. And I did not mean whatever he was doing to Raikou in the other room.
Venelana put them back, then bit her lip, looking at me before getting up and looking around the corner. "Oh my." She smiled coyly, watching for a few minutes before rejoining me at the table.
"Do they at least still have their clothes on?" I sighed.
"Oh yes. But I believe poor Raikou is going to be a puddle on the couch after he's done."
Well… I suppose it's only fair he does that to the others as well.
"You're welcome to go join them." I gestured to her with a wave of my hand. "I won't be offended."
If I were to get offended over something like this, I would never have willingly joined a harem like this.
"It's alright; I don't want to ruin their time together. She just got back; let her get some time to herself." Venelana just smiled politely.
She's always very considerate about matters like these; it certainly makes things run smoothly in our little group.
Though I felt myself getting more flustered the longer we listened to it. And it didn't help that Venelana was giving me those kinds of looks.
I'm not a prude or anything.
Wilhelm came sauntering back in, collar messed up and lipstick on various parts of his neck and face.
He fell into the chair Raikou was sitting in with a goofy smile on his face.
"I thought you were going to be gone for longer?" I was happy to see him, of course, but I didn't expect him to come back already.
"Just a quick pit stop. I was…busy with something, and I was getting increasingly annoyed on top of being angry and, well…." He glanced back towards the other room. "I wanted to calm down."
"Why do you have so many land deeds?" Venelana asked next.
"And where are they for?"
"…..the Federal Republic of Nigeria."
"I have…a great many questions to ask." I looked at him dryly.
"What? What's wrong with Nigeria?" Wilhelm quickly got defensive, but I saw through his demeanor.
"On a scale of 1 to 10, what's the danger?" I asked pointedly.
Wilhelm pursed his lips. "Two."
I let out another sigh. "Then have fun with whatever you're doing." I couldn't be bothered if he wasn't putting himself in danger. Let him have his fun; I know he's never malicious about any mischief he gets up to. More often than not, the recipient is deserving.
Wilhelm smiled happily.
"How were you able to purchase so much land there? I'm pretty sure most African countries only lease their lands these days." Venelana was looking over the documents.
"I am officially a citizen of the great Federal Republic of Nigeria." Wilhelm said with mock patriotism, he even had a little Nigerian flag he took out and waved in the air.
"How much did you have to bribe?" I asked him.
"…a lot." He admitted. "One of the reasons I came back was to refill my wallet. I'm running low on the amount of gold I usually carry."
"Who angered you, that you went through so much effort?" Venelana asked.
"Some stupid country, pretending to be a third world country while they're actually super advanced and hiding from everyone else." Wilhelm even pouted with his arms crossed.
Venelana took out a pen and started circling things. "I assume you're going to be abusing border laws and legal rights to annoy them then. If you're building anything, make sure to double-check height limits, as they're usually quite strict at borders. Also, sovereign airspace gets murky right at borderlines as well. Be sure to double-check the legalities there."
"...you seem very knowledgeable about this sort of thing." I looked at her in surprise.
"Oh, I was a paralegal for a while out of boredom. I hopped around a bit; I spent some time at a law firm that specialized in international law before trying out other things." She said simply.
Wilhelm was quick to grab her for an affectionate kiss.
Of course, he didn't let me be either, not that I would reject him.
Oh well, let him have his fun; what's the worst that could happen?
(Line Break)
Wilhelm POV
I stepped back to Kamar Taj after my little…side trip.
Forty-nine hours filing paperwork, signing documents, and sorting everything else. And that didn't take into account the time I needed to actually bribe the right people.
To say that my patient had been worn down would be an understatement. Combined with already being pissed off, well, it just simmered underneath, and I wanted to take a moment to breathe.
Conveniently, Raikou had gotten back home!
"You have some lipstick, right here." The Ancient One pointed at her cheek.
I blinked and wiped at the spot, noticing I missed a bit.
"You disappeared for quite a while; did you acquire the Vibranium you were after?" She asked. "And what about Nigeria you were asking about?"
I pursed my lips in annoyance. "No on the vibranium front still. As for the second bit, I am not a happy citizen of the Great Federal Republic of Nigeria."
"That's unfortunate, but I did find something that may be of use." She held out her hand, and there was a small box, practically a ring box in size. She opened it up, and there was a finger-nailed size of metal inside. "After looking through the archives, I found mention that we did in fact have a sample of Vibranium at the Sanctum in China." She seemingly ignored the fact that I was now a citizen of Nigeria.
"Oh, you're giving this to me?" I was surprised.
"Absolutely not." She laughed. "This little piece is worth millions just by itself. While I can't say we overly care for money, it's not just something I could give away."
"...Are you just rubbing it in my face?"
"Well, that was one benefit. But you can at least borrow it. You mentioned needing a method to find more Vibranium. The issue, as you already know, is that it's rather resistant to magical effects on the surface. Therefore, with a sample, we may be able to leverage that to your advantage."
She didn't stop me as I picked up the small piece and held it closely to my eye. I tried to imbue it with a touch of my magical energy, and it was solidly rejected.
Now, it wasn't immune to Magic; that would be just absurd. It was just extremely resistant on a surface level.
Which was absolutely perfect for what I needed it for.
Adding the material to make the structure of Greed more magically resistant would go a long way in making it a Mage Killer. Likewise, the metal was a tier or so above the Goblin Silver that it was originally crafted with; I was pretty confident in adding Fenrir's saliva to the mix with the upgrade.
"I assume we share the same initial thought in regards to it then?" I looked up at her.
"Hmm, using the resistant effect to our advantage and trying to ping that in a search spell and using the proverbial 'voids' in detection as location markers?" She summarized.
"It's so nice dealing with competent people." I sighed happily. I didn't even need to explain it from the ground up. "I have several spells that can attempt to 'scry' it; what about you?"
"We, of course, have a good number of such spells as well. However, to begin scanning such large parts of the world… well, it's going to take a while to complete." She informed me.
I scratched my head, considering that. "Yeah, that seems rather obvious in hindsight. Especially since we're looking for things not there, rather than trying to pinpoint something in specific."
"Hmm, and the issue in New Mexico may cause some disruptions…." The Ancient One hummed.
"What the fuck is happening over there that would cause such a big problem?" Seriously, that's the second time she's said something like that.
"I believe the kids these days call it a 'cluster fuck.'."
I nearly choked hearing her say something like that with such a deadpan voice.
"Regardless, want to see who can do it first?" I asked with a grin.
Her lips quirked upwards. "Very well, let's see who can do it first." She said, presumably going off to do her own thing.
Well, setting up the large-scale scrying isn't too difficult; just as she said, it's going to take a long ass time.
Thankfully, I have something to do in the meantime!
(Line Break)
I stretched my arms.
It was important before a bit of a workout.
Before me stood piles and piles of materials. Wood, metal, nails, and screws. Not to mention a plethora of painting supplies.
Then, I took out my wand and twirled it in my hand.
I certainly developed a new appreciation for the magic that Kunou is learning. What it lacked in just pure throughput power, it made up in just sheer versatility and everyday usefulness.
I mean, how many spells did I have on hand now that were just used for simple cleaning?
I knew at least four new spells just for removing stains from clothing, all depending on what kind of stains they were.
And I was looking forward to peering through the tomes and books they accumulated here as well. But that was me going off on a mental tangent if I got into it.
With wand in hand, I raised it up, like a conductor leading an orchestra; the piles of materials began to float and move around.
They flew through the air, arranging themselves according to my thoughts; nails were pushed into place, and scaffolding was lined up to provide proper structural integrity.
The pieces built upon themselves until finally formed, sturdy. Then, I gestured towards the painting materials as they flew out and began to
When my hands lowered, everything was in place and constructed.
I admired my handiwork.
And it was just in time for company!
I put my wand away as dust clouds were kicked up; quite a few people were riding towards me from the other side of the border.
Huh, they're using rather…mundane vehicles. They're really committed to the whole hiding act, aren't they? Just from the pieces of technology I saw last time, it was obvious they had much better things available than some surplus Russian jeeps that had more dents than not.
"Hello, Neighbors!" I greeted them enthusiastically.
Probably about a hundred or so of them, probably a few less considering it was a dozen jeeps at first glance.
Weapons were pointed at me immediately.
From experience, those fully metallic spears could shoot lasers.
Though, they seemed taken with my masterpiece behind me.
I couldn't blame them; it truly was a work of art.
Out of one of the jeeps, someone stepped out that seemed to grab everyone's attention. He wore the same type of garb, but they all seemed to defer to him as he glanced at my work of art and then back at me without much expression.
He was a tall man with a wide stature, visible through his loose clothing, the robes and sort of 'cape' or cloak or blanket; I didn't know what to call it.
It looked cool, though.
He walked towards me with several guards at his side, ready to blast me at a moment's notice from the look in their eyes.
I pointed down at the ground, and he followed my gaze.
A single line drawn in the dirt that I had made not long ago.
"What can I do for you, neighbor? Here to welcome me into the neighborhood?" I asked as he got just close enough to where I didn't have to yell.
"You are the one causing the disturbances." The man spoke rather authoritatively even with the thick accent as he was specifically speaking English to me that I picked up on.
"Nah, that was someone else." I deadpanned.
He seemed to not enjoy my sense of humor, his frown noticeable. "You will surrender to us and come quietly."
"How about instead, you go fuck yourself." I reached into my jacket pocket like I was taking something out and produced an apple again, biting into it. "You have no jurisdiction over me." I pointed at the border.
The man seemed nonplussed and smiled lightly. "Wakanda has extensive treaties with our neighbors. Among them gives us the right to apprehend foreigners who linger around our borders and—
I cut him off, pulling a piece of folded paper out of my pocket, and I tossed it over the border. "Feel free to read that."
The man looked at me sternly for a moment before kneeling down and picking it up, folding it as he read over it, furrowing his brow.
"To summarize, that is my paperwork officially making me a citizen of this wonderful country!" I made sure to wave the little Nigerian flag for him to see.
Worth every penny.
The man frowned deeper, tucking the paper away into his shirt. "According to the agreements we have with your country, structures cannot be built within— "
I held my hand up, stopping him again. "Let me stop you there and get this out of the way too." I pulled out a bunch more papers and tossed them to him. "You see, those papers are basically a bill of purchase, land deeds, and such. The laws you were about to quote refer to government buildings. As for several hours ago—"I" paused, looking both ways down either side of the border. "About 75 kilometers that way and 119 kilometers the other way are now private property. I'll give you a chance to guess who it belongs to. And before you start about height restrictions, private citizens' property has different limitations. I'll invite you to come over and measure, but my 'structure' is exactly 39 feet, or 11.88 meters. The laws, of course, forbidding anything 12 meters or 40 feet and above."
He was silent and looked utterly lost as I just informed him of everything.
I'll need to thank Venelana later for the heads-up.
"Why must you erect something so degrading?" He looked at me.
My lips twitched at the pun I could have called out but didn't. "You see, my dear—what was your name again?"
With a frown, he answered. "I am W'Kabi, the head of the Wakanda Border Tribe."
"Right, W'Kabi. You see, it's not an insult." I gestured to my art behind me. "A tree feels at home in a forest. I just wanted to help you all feel welcome as I become your new neighbor." I gave him a smile.
He stared at the structure behind me.
It was a dick.
That is to say, it's a nearly 40-foot dick erected behind me. Rather impressively made, if I do say so myself.
His gaze then turned to the side as he looked down the border of his country. At certain intervals, he could see other giant dicks that littered the horizon.
Was it childish of me? Without a doubt.
Did it take an inordinate amount of time and effort? Undeniably.
Did I regret it? Not one bit.
In front of his eyes, I took out my new hat and flicked it, letting it fold out properly as it had been compressed to be stuffed inside my vest. It had a massive hole seared into it, but I still put it on my head.
I fully admit that I can be extremely petty.
"You know, I only asked to buy some Vibranium. You all got more than enough." I gestured to their spears. "I didn't even want that much, and I would have paid far more than it was worth.
There was something that sparked in his eyes, like a flicker of anger. "You colonizers, believing you're entitled to whatever resources we have. You –"
"I'm Japanese, you racist fuck." I interrupted his rant. "And I didn't demand it in any way. I asked, you know, like what people do when they want something? Bartering? Trade? Normal processes by which the world operates. A simple no would have sufficed; it's not like you all are the only sources of vibranium in the world, only the quickest."
It was like all the wind had been taken from his sails as he processed my words. Yeah, it's hard to retort when you get rightfully called out for being racist when trying to take the moral high ground.
"You know far too much. Surrender; it will be easier this way." He quickly decided to go right for the more aggressive approach.
The people he had gathered around him flashed their weapons.
I guess after the last debacle, they're treating me as a 'threat.'.
"I'm recording, by the way." I said nonchalantly. "So feel free to ignore sovereign borders and attack another country and its legal residents." I gestured for him to continue. "I'm sure the world will be interested in what Wakanda is doing." I did have a phone propped up not far away.
Honestly, I didn't really care that much to 'reveal' them to the world or whatever bullshit; I mostly just did it to annoy them.
W'Kabi looked at me, and while annoyed and perhaps angry at me, he chuckled. A few of them seemed like they wanted to laugh with him. It was more that they were laughing at me about some joke.
He held his hand up, a bracelet of beads around his wrist, as he messed with him. "You will find that such things are no threat to the might of Wakanda. The beads of his projected a small screen above them, and with a few more moments of fiddling, he looked up at me, smiling rather smugly.
"All primitive recording devices have been neutralized in the area. Please, do not make this harder than it has to be."
Funny enough, I felt my Kaleidophone ringing within my storage at that moment.
I reached into my pocket to 'pull it out' and smiled brightly when I saw the caller was Kunou.
Under their gaze, my phone rang out. Their eyes widened in shock and confusion.
"Excuse me, this is an important call." I began to walk away as I answered.
(Line Break)
W'Kabi: Behold our superior technology.
Wilhelm: Oh yes, very impressive. One moment, my daughter is calling.
If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone
I aslo have a boosty under the same name if you cant' use the above.