Elemental Breath

[A/N Delaina will be called Cherry during this modeling scene.]

Cherry Vendara walked down the street. She had a white t-shirt, jeans and a red flannel tied around her waist. Her rust colored hair was tied back into two french braids and she had small curls of hair hanging in front of her ears from her temples.

She was extremely cute with a black baseball cap, freckles and blue eyes. She had a lollipop in her mouth and when she smiled, she looked especially sweet.

Walking up to the reception counter, she stood on her tiptoes and handed the lady a piece of paper with her information on it. On it, it said her identification and that she was here for the clothing audition.

Pointing her in the right direction, the receptionist felt like crying when she noticed how she had come all alone. 'She must live a hard life.' She had thought to herself as she watched Cherry walk away.

Using the elevator, Cherry went up to the 11th floor, where the audition would be held.

A table was set up in the waiting room, she went over and checked in. One by one, the little girls were called over as they went and auditioned as a model.

Soon enough, it was her turn.

Following the middle aged man into another room, she was given multiple things to hold and all she had to do was listen to them, and smile. It was quite an easy task. She was then told that she would be notified if she was chosen.

It took only 2 days for the email to come in. She and 2 others had been chosen.

Going back to the building, Cherry was front and center as they took pictures of her holding the product, and even a short video where each of the kids would say their opinion about the clothes.

After it was done, she got 50 dollars.

Although it wasn't much, she knew that she would eventually be making buckets of money if she was willing to wait.

But… Cherry didn't know if she was willing to be patient, so she has yet to decide if she will continue with her modeling career.


At home, Delaina was getting quite bored. She was running out of things to do. In the end, she wound up making 5 more gambling bots, but after that, she was once again left without anything to do.

Deciding to go for a walk around the front yard, she seemed to only now notice how utterly boring her building was. It was a red colored brick, black roof and white window frames. Sure, there was nothing wrong with it, but for what it held, it seemed to be an insult.

It would be like putting a peacock into a beaten up, battered metal dog cage; Unworthy.

In the end, she ordered a butt ton of paint. In the dead of night, she used wind elemental qi to open dozens of cans and fly the paint to the top of the building, where it was spread all along the exterior.

Although she was on the outskirts of a city, people who walked by her building everyday would be surprised enough when the building suddenly turned white. So, of course, she couldn't start the real painting now.

Waiting for the next day, Delaina opened up a can of black paint and made a large curve on the bottom left hand corner of the building. Filling it in with black paint, she went into the quarter-or-a-circle with a thick blue line the size of her hand, following the curve of black paint.

Going a few more inches in, she used purple paint to do the same, making it look like a rainbow. On the inside of the curve that was filled with black she took yellow paint and started drawing stars, filling up that blank space. This represented the element of darkness.

Through the next few weeks, Delaina would make a new circle every day and each one would represent a new element. Once she got through the 10 elements, she created a few circles for the sub elements like ice, rainbows and shadow, before duplicating the 10 main elements.

Soon, this building became a sight to see. People would even take pictures of it everyday, adding it to their social media accounts.

Scrolling through Bananagram (Instagram), Delaina even saw an account with over 200k followers that was updated everyday. It was simply pictures of the building every day and short videos of her painting it.

Seeing this, Delaina had an idea that would bring her some popularity.

She took one of her gambling bots and changed it so it would give likes constantly but not at a very rapid pace. It would speed up and slow down with no pattern, some of the people would follow the page soon after.

So, although there would be no additional comments, it would push the post into a better spot, therefore getting the attention of people who actually exist.

If she kept doing this, then people might actually become interested in it. She would then create her own Bananagram account, and guide people there so she would become more popular.

By now, the most powerful animal was the orange cat from the lightning pen and a dog from the water pen. The weakest ones were undoubtedly the pets with mental ability. That was because mental ability was harder to cultivate and was less abundant in the atmosphere.

Walking up to the fire cat pen, she woke the two sleeping guys up. The two cats looked at her lazily before sitting up and staring.

The animals in the building all had some degree of respect for her. She was feeding them, grooming them, and even taught them how to cultivate and so they naturally would at least pay attention when she so obviously wanted them too.

Rubbing it between the ears, she tapped the black cat's nose and sent her qi into it's dantian. She found the pool of fire elements and wrapped them in her own, at first, it started to fight back, but as she coaxed it, it gradually calmed down and let her do what she wanted.

Moving around a bit, she started to lead the elements in a gradual swirl when she suddenly shot upwards, and the cat moved it's qi to follow. It went out of it's dantian into it's chest where it circled it's heart. Then, she guided it up to it's throat and out of its mouth.

The kitten followed along and suddenly had the urge to yawn. So when it did, a small, unstable flame flew out of its mouth, and landed on the ground where it was quickly extinguished.

The cat jumped back and meowed in surprise, but when it saw Delaina's smiling face and clapping hands, it knew that he had done what she wanted.

He hesitated for a moment before walking back to her side and snuggling up to her, obviously wanting her to show it how to do it again.

Giggling, Delaina smiled and began to guide that cat in how to use the skill [Elemental Breath].