Chapter 2, The Far Off Future

When I got home, I was immediately called by Mom and William to the living room. I sat down on the couch and waited.

"We heard from Kai. You were nearly hit by a car." William said and I flinched.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Mom asked and I shook my head. "Okay then. That's good."

"The doctor said my tailbone will be fine too." I said.

"I've made preparations. I'll be transferring to your school." William said.

"Come again?!" I exclaimed.

"I'll be in Course 3." He said. "It'll be good for me as well, Wings Academy will be good place to develop for me as well."

Wings Academy is divided into 5 different courses. Course 3 is Combat and Strategy.

"But then, what about the company?" I asked.

"It's fine. Dad will handle it." He said and patted my head. "My younger brother's safety is more important."

"Okay then." I said in defeat.

The next day, we departed for school. William is only seventeen, he'll be eighteen this year. He looks young and different in the school uniform he wears.

When I bid him farewell so that I can go to my classroom he grabs my shoulder and hugs me before waving goodbye and heads off to his class.

I head to my own and run into Reinhardt in the halls. He smiles and we walk to class together. He is a Course 2 student, Strategies and Combat Tactic. I'm a Course 5 student, General Course. Course 1 is Article and Weaponry development, and Course 4 is Research and Analysis Course. We have the same classes and when I open the door someone pulls me to the side and I see the bucket of water drop on the spot where I would have been if whoever this person was hadn't pulled me away in time.

He had golden hair with orange eyes and white skin. He wore the same uniform and necktie and I couldn't help but think that he looks like Alistar.

"What is the meaning of this?" Reinhardt asked.

"We don't know what your talking about." Ms. Karin said.

"Thank you for helping me." I said to the person beside me.

"No problem. I was looking for my brother and saw the bucket so I just did what anyone would do." He said and I realized who he was.

"Oh! You must be Alexis, Alistar's brother." I smiled.

"Yeah. I am." He said and smiled. "That means you must be Arata. Alistar wouldn't stop talking about you last night and now I see why."

"Did you get hit?" Alistar asked as he came over with Liam. They came from the halls.

"I'm fine." I answered as I stood up.

"Alright. Who did this? You have five seconds to admit it or you're going to detention. All of you." Liam announced.

"It was Karin." Everyone in the class pointed to her.

"Why yo-!" Before Karin could complain Liam and Reinhardt shot her a glare and she shut up.

Liam and Reinhardt made her apologize and deducted something from her. We chatted a bit before I went off to my seat.

I was about to sit down when someone stopped me and pulled me to his side.

"Zhen!!" The girls in the room squealed.

"Careful there. Looks like some put pins on your desk." He smiled at me. He had red hair with captivating scarlet eyes and white skin. "You okay?"

"Y-yes." I answered.

"Now then." He smiled at me and turned to the class and spoke in a cold voice. "Who among you did this?"

"We don't know. It was like that when we got here this morning." A voice said.

"No point in searching for the culprit." I said as I brushed away all the pins and sat down. "Our teacher will be here soon, we should sit down. I'm Arata Akatsuki."

"Zhen Jin. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Arata, save me a seat at lunch later!" Alexis waved and went off.

"I'll join you then." Reinhardt smiled.

"See you then." I answered.

During class, Zhen kept passing me notes and wouldn't stop bugging me so I played along and answered them. I can see why everyone likes him. He has a calming energy around him and is very social. He asks to join us for lunch and I happily welcome him.

During lunch, I leave for the cafeteria as Zhen says he'll follow after me. When I arrive at the cafeteria there are many students. I take a tray and sit down at the table closest to the window and gaze outside. That's when a bunch of girls and guys gang up on me.

"You better watch yourself! Don't you dare lay our hands on our Princes!!" A girl wailed.

"Princes?" I asked.

"Do you have to be dumb?!" A girl said and snapped her fingers and one of the guys punch me so hard I fall of my seat.

Another is about to kick me when he is punched by someone. I see a man with dark green hair, white skin and cold dark eyes.

"What you are doing is against the policies of the school." He said.

"A-Andrew Sirius!!" A girl shouted in excitement.

"Don't get close to me!!" He snapped at her and turned to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine." I answered.

"Andrew don't get near him. He isn't a Brave. He might try to steal your title!! And he is dirty too!!" A girl said and before Andrew could refute a cold voice filled the room causing everyone to flinch.

"Who dares to call my younger brother dirty?!" William's voice surged throughout the room.

"Will! Yo! Been a while." Andrew greeted him.

"Arata!" The moment he saw me his face became filled with rage and worry and he ran to my side. "Where does it hurt?"

"I'm fine." I said.

"Who did this to Arata?" Reinhardt's voice asked and I saw him with Alistar, Alexis, Liam and Zhen.

The people in front of me were frozen with fear. That's when I feel myself lifted up the ground.

"Hold still." Zhen said and my body started to glow. The pain dissipated and I felt much better. "I'm the Brave of Blood. I specialize in healing."

"Thanks." I said and he put me down.

I must be really light if he could pick me up easily. Well I'm also smaller than them and I'm not fat either. I don't have that much muscles since William was really overprotective and didn't want me doing strenuous work. Of course self defense was out of the question as well but I did pick up a few things from watching him over the years. Like tending to wounds.

"All of you will recieve demerits." Liam said and turned to me. "Come on, let's go eat."

"Thanks." I answered. I was about to take his hand when William took my hand. "William?"

"Come on. Let's go eat together." He smiled.

We all ended up sitting together and I felt multiple eyes staring at our direction. William said that Andrew is a close friend of his and they grew up together. Their also in the same course.

As we ate, I can't help but feel uncomfortable about the many eyes staring at us. I can't eat well when so many eyes stare at me.

"Blocking Barrier." Alexis says and suddenly a dome of black hue covers over us. "Not comfortable with so many eyes watching you?"

I nodded. William places his hand on my head and gives my hair a good ruffle. I can't help but disagree since its difficult to keep my hair tidy as it is.

"Stop!" I complained. "You can ruffle my hair more at home!"

"You said it so no take backs." He said and I can't help but stiffle a laugh.

"You two are pretty close." Andrew said with a gentle smile. "I can see why he often brags about you."

"Does he talk a lot about me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Whenever we have a meeting we try to avoid topics about home since his sentences will always return or end at the 'I have the cutest little brother' sentiment." Andrew said and I can't help but smile.

It's fun talking to them and also peaceful. I wish everyday was like this. Maybe in the far off future, after the Chimeras are killed, there will more days like this.