Chapter 11, Art

As I opened my eyes, I realize I'm having another vision. This time it's Alexis, his painting a beautiful painting but there's someone else with him. A golden haired girl maybe? His laughing happily, this is better than any of my previous visions.

When I come to, I see Reinhardt's hands sprawled across the cover of my bed. The Brave mark now on his hand bearing four kites. It happened again. I've taken another Title and changed it.

"Arata... I'll... serve you... till the... end..." He said. Is he sleep talking? So cute.

"Reinhardt, time to wake up." I said in a singsong voice.

"Hmm? Arata?! Thank goodness!!" Reinhardt said as he hugged me. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine now." I answered.

"The doctor said that there was nothing wrong but Reinhardt insisted on staying here to watch you." William said as he came into the room.

"Arata, the life you've saved. I'm going to use it do everything I can for you." Reinhardt said and took my hand. "Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. Our family, the Valiant Family doesn't let debts go unpayed."

"I'm not sure how I should respond to that." I said. "You did save me after all. And I don't feel happy about that."

"Arata, even if you don't approve, I'll still be at your beck and call. This is the will of our family." He said and I sighed and gave in.

"I have no choice then." I said and my stomach growled.

"Let's go have dinner." Liam said and picked me up.

"By the way, where are we? This isn't my room." I said.

"This is the School Dormitory. We couldn't risk moving you so much." Andrew said as he sat us down. "That was yours and Will's room. The school dorms are used by almost every student staying here."

"This is?" I asked as Liam set me down on the sofa.

"Each dormitory building has a lobby. Each floor has twelve rooms." Hiro said as he came in. "You can relax here, dinner's almost ready. Besides the ten rooms we use, there are two more empty rooms."

After they showed me around the place, I got ready for class. Apparently I was asleep longer this time around. When I was ready, we all went to class together. Alexis and me share the same classes today so we went off to ours.

"Hey, Alexis, do you like to paint?" I asked as we were painting. Courses let people enjoy elective classes like these. Such as Arts, Music and more. "Your painting is so beautiful."

"I did in the past." He said. "I've painted a bit in the past but I'm not that good."

"I can't accept it! This is really pretty." I said as I looked at his painting. The back of someone, with golden hair standing before a golden sun rising up from a mountain. "It's so beautiful."

"Only because the muse is beautiful." He said as I admired the painting. "Oh, time to wrap it up."

"Oh, it's almost time?" I said and looked at the clock.

After class we had a vacant slot so I asked him to finish the painting since it was so good but he denied saying he had something to do. Since that's how he is I'll go ask Alistar about it.

"Ah that's right, Alexis used to paint a lot when we were younger." Alistar said. "But there was an incident back then and he stopped painting and started sword fencing."

"A golden haired girl." I said and his eyes grew large. "As I thought, did it have something to do with her?"

"Yeah. One day, when he was having trouble paiting, a golden haired girl, Layla appeared before his eyes." He said. "She became his inspiration and he started painting her. But... Layla died."

"What was the reason?" I asked.

"That's something you should ask him yourself." He said and placed his hand on my head. "All of us have a weakspot, you should be able to find a way. You found mine."

"Thanks for the advice." I said and hugged him. "See you around."

"A-ah, okay." He said with a confused look.

When I go out to search for Alexis, I bump into Liam in the hallway.

"Sorry, I was looking for Alexis, have you seen him?" I asked.

"Ah, he was in the art room." He said and I thanked him and was about to head there when he hugged me. "Arata, be careful now."

"Okay then." I answered and walked to the art room.

I was about to open the door when I heard his voice talking. Who is he with?

"Layla... I'm sorry, because I could only paint... you died." He said and I paused for a moment to listen. "I've trained, so that this time I won't lose it. The one who is beautiful and precious before my eyes."

I can feel the regret in his voice and I listen for more. Usually, I wouldn't do something like this but I have to know, why Alexis stopped painting.

"Do you know? I started painting again. I found something or rather someone beautiful, colorful and so full of life." He said. "Someone who seems like the rising sun. Someone who drove away the darkness I was in with just one smile. I like this person a lot. But... I don't want them to get hurt... what should I do?"

Just then, as I was about to brust into the room my mind went blank and I was seeing a burning mess. Buildings and more, burning and exploding, the young golden haired girl, Ms. Layla crushed under a pile of rubbled. Her mouth opens one last time to say one sentence to Alexis who was beside her covered in lesser amounts of rubble. I could tell Alexis was starting to lose consciousness.

"Live." Her hoarse voice said and just then in her mind many thoughs ran.

"Alexis... I wish... I... could've seen... more... of your.. paintings..." Her last words to Alexis who has already lost consciousness.

Ms. Layla wanted to see more of Alexis' paintings while Alexis blamed himself for Ms. Layla's death. He stopped painting so he could learn to fight but Ms. Layla didn't wish for this.

Then, something unexpected happens. She turns to my direction. She shouldn't be able to see me but I feel like she's looking me straight in the eye.

"I... leave... Alexis... to you..." She said and smiled before finally dying with a smile on her face.

"Layla... I think I'll stop after I finish this piece." Alexis' voice brought me back to reality.

"Alexis, don't stop painting!!" I said and opened the door.

"A-Arata?!" He exclaimed with an embarrassed look. "W-what are you doing here?!"

"Looking for you." I told him. "Who were you talking to?"

"N-no body." He said and looked away from my eyes.

"Alexis, you have a special talent. Your so good at painting." I said and took his hands. "Don't stop. I'll support you, so please, paint. For me. For yourself. And for Ms. Layla."

"You don't even know her!!" He snapped and brushed my hand away.

"I don't know her but I can guess how she would've felt if she saw you now." I told him. "She likes your paintings, she would be very sad if you stopped painting."

"She died because of these paintings!!" He snapped. "I couldn't protect her, I could only watch!!"

"Then stand up!!" I snapped at him. "If you continue to let the past hold you down, she'll never be able to rest in peace if you keep worrying her!!"

"Arata..." His eyes were wavering.

"Ms. Layla loved your paintings." I said. "That's why she told you to live."

"How would you know that?!" He shouted.

"I saw it! I heard it!" I told him. "Ms. Layla's last thoughts!!"

"What are you going on about?!" He exclaimed and I took him by the collar and butted our heads.

The world goes dark and we enter the same vision from earlier.

"Alexis... I wish... I... could've seen... more... of your.. paintings..." Ms. Layla's dying words for Alexis.

"This is just an illusion!!" He snapped.

"Stop denying the truth!! Ms. Layla wanted to see more of your art! She wanted you to paint more!!" I shouted at him and suddenly the world grew bright. "Her sole wish, was for you to paint more. I'm certain, Ms. Layla's happiest memory was watching you paint!!"

Suddenly, Ms. Layla's memories played before our eyes. All her thoughts and memories play before us and each holds the same sentiment. That she was happiest when Alexis was painting.

The world goes back to normal, we're back in our classroom and Alexis has fallen silent.

"Layla, I can't forgive myself yet. But, so that I can make up for not being able to paint for you for so many years, I'll paint again." He said. "With the person who brought color back into my world. "

He offered me his hand and with a smiled and tears in his eyes said words that resonated with me so much.

"Arata, will you be my muse?" He asked and I took his hand.

"Ms. Layla did leave you in my care." I said and smiled. "Yes. I'll be your muse."

"Thank you. For bringing me back to the world filled with color and beauty." He said and embraced me. "I'll never forget this day. The day my life once again resumed. Thank you. Thank you, Arata."

"Your welcome." I answered and suddenly a golden light engulfed us and on his right back hand, the same crest emerged, this time it had five kites.

"Arata, this crest, it's proof of my loyalty to you." He said and kissed my hand. "So, take care of me from now on. After all, Layla entrusted me to you."

"Gladly." I smile happily.