Chapter 21, Vassal Braves

We moved to our dorn room and after I had served everyone some tea the two got to explaining things. Ophelia erased the memory of everyone taht was at the cafeteria saying it'll be better this way. After I sat down and drank my tea I looked at the two and they nodded.

The two then began to explain everything to us. The only ones present now were them and the ten of us. Me, Hiro, the three girls and William and the rest.

"The two of us are members of the Flower Knights." Theo said. "Petal Knights only have one mission in general, to protect the Sacred Flower that blooms in Unified Palace."

"The Petal Knights purpose is to protect the Sacred Flower as we have stated. We have been trained to be strongest in order to protect the hope of the world. The Scared Flower." Ophelia said. "The two of us have trained our whole life to protect the Sacred Flower. Our Elder sent us out to search for the Sacred Flower like other members."

"We found the Sacred Flower by accident. We were both buying supplies when we bumped into a kid. That kid was dressed in commoner clothes but we knew who he was the instant we saw him." Theo added. "He was the son of a noble family. His parents had died a few years after he was born and he was alone. We brought him back with us and the elder then decided to train him."

"One day when we were sent out on a mission, the intel we got was wrong and got into an accident, the two of us were severely injured and by the time we got back to our village everyone had lost hope on us." Ophelia stated. "Everyone but him. He shouted that he wouldn't allow it and the next thing we knew was that we were alive but both of us had recieved Titles. That was when he told us about his secret. His power to give others Titles."

"That was when the elder knew taht he was the Sacred Flower. Everyone loved him and treated him as family due to his gentle and bright personality. When everyine found out tgat he was the Sacred Flower we were all elated." Theo added. "One day, we were sent out on a mission to retrieve an ancient artifact and then... when we returned to our village it was attcked by Chimeras. Their target was him."

"Our elder gathered all of us who could fight and we were able to drive away the Chimeras without any casualties but, the ppace where we had hidden Argent was destroyed." Ophelia said. "But we never saw his corpse so everyone belieevd he had survived. In the rubble, we found something that was his and signs of a high grade teleportation spell. So we began searching for him again."

"There was another sign that he wasn't dead yet. In our village there's an old tree. A very old one. The older people call it the Sacred Tree." Theo said. "The tree is said to be connected to the Scared Flower and as long as the Sacred Flower was alive the tree would bloom. When Argent approached that tree it would bloom."

"The tree didn't wither, so we knew Argent was still out there. We searched for him and brought with us branches of the tree." Ophelia said. "Then a few days ago, the branches we had suddenly began to glow and bloom. So we decided to check out every last Brave in town."

"Then yesterday as I was checking out the school I accidentally bumped into you and realized that the branch had bloomed. So that was when I knew you were the one we searching for." Theo said. "I'm really glad your safe. But it seems you don't have most of your memories."

"Yeah. Just bits of it." I answered.

"That's fine." Theo answered.

"So what do we do now?" Liam asked.

"Let's head to the village." I answered. "I want to remember. My memories and who I was before."

"Well, that's what he said." William said standing up. "We'll go with you."

"I'm always going to support Arata." Alistar said and then paused. "What should we call you, Argent or Arata?"

"Call me by whatever you like." I answered. "Argent, the past who I was, and Arata who I am now, are all me."

"Alright then." Theo said and hugged me.

"Theo, Ophelia, I'm sorry. I can't recall anything." I apologized to the two.

"Don't stress it." Theo answered. "Take it step by step, you'll remember them for sure."

"By the way, why do you have my crest on your Brave Marks?" I asked.

"Ah that's right. We didn't explain that part." Ophelia said. "Well, what we know is only from what you told us. You called us Vassal Braves."

"Vassal... Braves?" I asked.

"You called them Pseudo-Petals." Theo answered but I couldn't recall anything.

"The Title you gave me was Vassal Brave of the Fan and Songstress." Ophelia said.

"You gave me the Title of Vassal Brave of the Trident and the Class of Warrior." Theo answered. "You said that there three conditions in order to be a Vassal Brave. One was to be trusted by the Sacred Flower, the second was to prove yourself and the third was to face your own weakness."

"Why?" Ophelia asked.

"The name... Vassal Braves... when I saw your crest I felt like it was related to me." I answered her.

"Well it was you who gave it to us." Theo smiled.

"Vassal Brave.. Pseudo-Petals... Sacred Braves... Eight Petals..." I muttered bits of words that came to mind. "Ugh. I can't recall anything useful at all!"

"Like Theo said. Take it step by step." William patted my head and smiled.

"Yeah." I answered. There are answees, they're waiting for me there. "Okay let's go!!"

"We need to get ready first." Reinhardt said. "We'll heading to Sacred Palace after all."

"We can get you there in a single minute. Just get your gear together." Theo said.

"We'll file for a leave of absence for a while." Liam stated. "We can also use our day offs if necessary."

"Then I leave that to you." I told them.

The mysteries about myself, who I am and this power of mine. They all await in the Unified Palace. I will know the truth!