Chapter 14, Father and Son

As we were preparing to leave, Ethan came running saying that Andrew's father was at the principal's office.

"Strange." I said. Could my vision have happened in the past this time? I have seen moments in the past before.

"That damn old man!!" Andrew said and angrily ran for the office.

"After him." I said and ran after him.

As we entered the office, Andrew was having an arguement with his father. The principal, a man who must be in his forties, with a sturdy build and tall posture was mediating between the two.

Andrew's father wants him out of the school but he won't give any other reason besides the fact that Andrew is his only heir. Now that I look at him, he doesn't seem like the time to be power hungry and use his son as a pawn. In his eyes, there's something else.

Just then, my world went black and I stood infront of a tall desk. A woman, with black hair and brown eyes with white skin was with Andrew's father.

"What should I do about him?" He asked. "He is so dedicated to being a Brave but it's a dangerous job."

"Dear, I was happy to stop being a Brave when we got married but our son isn't like us." She said. "His stubborn and strong-willed like you. Let him do as he likes."

"I wonder if I had been there for him when he was a child, would our bond be better than it is now?" He asked.

"Andrew was seperated from both of us for quite some time. It's only normal that there's a gap between us and him." She answered. "We have to support him from now on, so that he can be happy of his own accord."

"I suppose your right." He said and sighed.

"Talk things through. You can't solve anything by fighting and butting heads." She said.

I snap back into reality just as his father raises his hand to slap Andrew. I jump infront of them and take the full blunt of his hand.

"Arata!" Andrew exclaimed and gritted his teeth and turned to his father. "You good for nothing old geezer!!"

"Stop!!" I exclaimed.

"Arata?" The man looked at me. "Oh, Luke's adopted son?"

"Mr. Sirius, can't you two talk it out?" I asked. "I'm sure there's a reason for this."

"There isn't Arata, this old geezer just cares about profit." Andrew said. "No point in talking it out."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked and turned to his father. "Are you sure that profit is the only reason he is doing this?"

"What do you mean?" Mr. Sirius asked.

"The reason you want to take Andrew out of the Academy isn't just for profit and fear of losing your only heir." I said. "It's fear of losing the son you had only reunited with. You're scared of losing a family member after what happened to your wife."

"W-what are you talking about?" He asked.

"I saw everything." I answered. "Andrew, your father loves and cares for you very much, he just doesn't know how to express it."

"Arata..." He stared at me with a doubting face.

"Talk things through. You can't solve anything by fighting and butting heads." I said. "Mr. Sirius, this is what your wife said right?"

"H-how do you know that?" He asked in surprise.

"Andrew, the reason you don't want to leave the Academy is because you want to help William." I said. "You should talk things through and come to a reasonable agreement. After all, family is family, no matter how weak the bond is."

I want to tell them, that a family has to stay together. That they care for each other. That there's more than just meets the eye.

The world suddenly changes and we're shown memories of their past. Andrew's father's love for him and the real reason he wanted Andrew to leave the Wings Academy.

"You okay?" Alexis held me up when the images finally stopped.

"You really like to push yourself." William said hugging me.

As I lose consciousness I miss what the two discuss and fall into my usual sleep.


I catch Arata as he falls to unconscious again and hold him in my arms.

"Thanks for the hard work." I whisper in his ears.

"Looks like it's exhaustion. Showing you the past must've been exhuasting for him." Alexis said as he brushed a piece of Arata's hair from his face.

"Let's let him rest for a bit." Alistar said and set down a pillow and blanket on the sofa.

I lay him down on the bed and tuck him in before turning to the pair who have sat down.

"Now then, can we begin the discussion?" I said. "Arata worked hard to show you what the truth is, will you be willing to listen to each other now?"

"I guess... I'm willing." The two said and I laughed.

"You're very much alike." I laughed. "So, you've already come to a decision right?"

"Father, I won't stop being a Brave." He said and looked his father straight in the eyes. "But... I'll try to help with the family business."

"Hmmm... very well. I won't stop you anymore just promise me... you won't leave me, I only have you now." He said.

"I promise." He said and hugged his father. "Thanks, Dad."

They reconciled themselves and we left them to talk. We went off and I carried Arata to our dorm. I lied him down on the sofa.


I open my eyes and saw a bright ceiling above me. I turn side to side and see that I'm on the sofa.

"Oh? Looks like he's awake." William said as he patted my head. "Had a good nap?"

"Somewhat..." I answered.

"Arata, thank you!!" Andrew suddenly exclaimed as he bowed his.

"Y-you don't... have to." I turned to William for some help.

"You heard him." William said.

"Arata, I promise." He took my hands. "I promise I'll help you in every way I can. Thank you."

"Andrew..." Before I could say anything a golden light engulfed us and on his back hand the crest appeared. Seven kites. The light subsided and Andrew stared at his hand before looking up to me and smiling.

"Seven kites." William said. "There are now seven kites. We need to research more about Arata's Title."

"I might know someone who can help." Ethan said. "One of the strongest Braves of our time and of the twelve Elders. The First Elder, the Rat, Monica Mystica."