Chapter 23, Return to the Garden

"Oi! You can't just go in here!" Mitan picked me up.

"Ah! Mitan!" I said as he picked me up. "I guess you're only left to gaurd the entrance now."

"You littl- Wait what did you just call me?" He asked.

"What, do you have a problem, Mitan?" I asked.

"You how d-?" I broke free from his hold and landed on the ground. Just then I smelt the the nostalgic scent of herbs, flowers and spring in the air.

I looked at the village in front of me. Homes, farms and more. They all exist within the protection of the mountain and the ancient tree that towers to the sky.

"Where are we?" Liam asked.

"The Hidden Garden." I answered and saw pink and sky blue hair walking this way from the path. My face grew bright when I saw them. "Adelie, Adonis!"

"Outsiders aren't allowed in here, why are these people here?" Someone said as he picked me up by the collar. I turned my head to see long black hair and sharp black eyes on white skin staring at me. He was dressed in a black kimono.

"Ah! Lululu!!" I called him.

"What?" Alistar asked.

"What wrong Lululu, you look like you're in a bad mood. Did Rachel punch you again?" I teased him.

"Oh, Theo, Phia, over here!" Adelie a girl with pink hair and scarlet eyes with white skin called out. She was wearing a pink skirt with a white blouse.

"You're back already?" Adonis, a boy with blue hair and eyes with white skin asked. He was wearing a black shirt with black pants.

"That's right. We're back." Lia answered.

"Let me go already!" I kicked Lululu.

"Tch. You brat get back here!" Lululu yelled as I hid behind Adelie. "Adelie hold him down."

"Adelie wouldn't dare unless she wants me to expose her deepest darkest secret." I said and sticked my tongue out to him.

"It can't be..." Adonis took my face and loked me straight it the eyes. "Who are you?"

"What have you gotten so old that you can't even recorgnize me?" I asked. "Or has your memory gotten so bad you can't even recognize the person who saved you from drowning in the river?"

"Theo, this kid, who is he?" Mitan asked.

"Geez. I would've thought that you'd be the happiest to see me too." I sighed and fixed my hair in it's old style. I touch my shadow and pull out a hair ornament that was decorated by eight petaled rose. "Still don't recognize me yet?"

"N-no way... i-it... can't be..." Adelie began to cry. "Argent!"

"I'm home." I smiled.

"Y-you brat!" Lululu snapped. "You go missing for seven years and what, that's all you have to say?! D-do you have... any idea how worried we've been!!"

"Elder!!!" Mitan suddenly ran to the village shouting for the Elder.

"We better follow him." I answered as I touched my shadow. "Give me sec."

I jumped into my shadow and entered my hidden palace. I ruffle through the clothes I have stored inside here. I change into black pants and a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt. I attach the sleeves which hang on the upper arm and fall to the wrist. I dawn on my my black cloak with silver trimmings before coming out of the shadow.

"How do I look?" I asked William and the others.

"Why'd you change clothes?" Zhen asked.

"You'd better change to, your clothes could get ruined." I answered.

"Ruined how?" Reinhardt asked and suddenly water came running down from the heavens. It falls from the leaves of the tree.

"Ruined like that." I said as they're clothes were soaking wet and my was dry. "Come on, let's get you changed."

"Have your memories returned completely?" Liam asked.

"Only memories related to this place." I answered. "The life I lived here and the like. Now hurry and change or you'll catch a cold."

I hand them clothes and they change in the cave. They come out and their attires are perfect for them. The same attire as mine only different colors that match their hair. They look so good in it.

"How do we look?" Reinhardt asked with a gentle smile.

"Really good!" Theo answered with a smile. "Now come on, before Mitan gets away."

"Let's go." I answered.

We all ran to town after Mitan and manage to catch up with him in the city circle where so many people have gathered. Elder, a man with gray hair and broad build stood with his brown skin wrinkled and his brown eyes fixed on us. He was dressed in a black kimono.

"Ha... ha... ha..." Theo was panting. "H-how... c-can... he... run... so fast?"

"What's with you? You've gotten weak." I said as I breathed the scent of the town. "Petal Knight should be able to catch up easily. You've been slacking on your training haven't you?"

"What is this ruckus?" Elder asked.

"Grandpa... it's been a long time." I said and bowed my head. "I'm glad I get to see you again."

"O-Oh! A-Argent?!" He exclaimed.

"It's been a while, Grandpa." I smiled. "No. It's been everyone!"

"Argent!" Everyone immediately began to cry.

Granpa even hugs me as tears drip down his face. I can feel the elation of everyone. I've worried everyone for such a long time now.

"I'm home, everyone." I smiled. "So, stop crying. Especially you, Grandpa."

"We'll hold a feast!" Grandpa shouted and the townsfolk answered in agreement. He then noticed William and the gang and he turend his eyes on them. "These people are?"

"Let me introduce them." I answered as I grabbed William's arm. "The ones who protected me when I was brought to the other world. My Braves."

"That so?" Lululu stared at them before bowing his head. Everyone else followed.

"Thank you for protecting our Argent!" They all shouted.

"No. Thank you for taking care of him." William said as he bowed his head. "Arata has always been there for us."

"Arata?" Adonis asked.

"Everyone... I'm sorry." I said and bowed my head. "My memories, I forgot them all. Right now I can only remember bits of it."

"I suppose that is fate at work as well." Grandpa said. "Follow me."