Chapter 31, the Castle Facing the Sun

"Oi, look, I see it now!" Lucas said pointing to a large island in front of us.

"So that it huh? Restricted Island 7." Ethan said.

"Let's hurry." Lia said and I nooded.

We docked the island and began to search for the castle but we didn't have to do search much. I can hear the second piece calling out to me.

"Arata, just a second." Liam said and grabbed my arm.

"What is it?" Theo asked but I could already feel what Liam was worried about.

I reached my hand into my shadow prepared for anything that might attack us. Then, we slowly creeped closer to the castle in front of us, someone steps on a twig and they erupt like violent beasts. They rain down from the branches, giant monkeys, with orange fur and long limbs and tail. They shriek at us as they descend bearing sharp teeth and claws.

I pull from my shadow a flute. The Melodica Flute. I don't hesitate. I play the flute as the others fend off the beasts.

"Dance of the Wind, Inverted Elements!" I suddenly hear Lia shout as she wields fans in her hand.

In front of me, multiple monkeys fall headless as her attack decapitates them.

"Tch. Quick! Into the temple!" Angie exclaimed and we followed her. We entered the temple and the monkeys stopped chasing us.

We took a breather inside the castle or temple is it since it isn't exactly castle like. That's when Lucas suddenly says something.

"Guys, the walls are lined with texts." Lucas said. "What kind of text are these?"

"Ah, Greek text." I answered. "These texts are read like this."

I stared at the text written on the wall as I read them aloud. The Greek text use twenty-four characters and are rather old. Is it that old?

"Pay heed ye who enter this temple that seeks out the sun. What you seek is before you, but be warned, for the key is held by the sun." I read. "The golden rays will light the way."

"So, where do we go?" Lia asked and suddenly the temple begins to quake and the doors shut by themselves.

"Is it a trap?!" Theo said taking arms.

"It isn't a trap. The doors will open by themselves." I told them.

"How are you sure?" Rachel asked as she trembled. Ah that's right, she has claustrophobia.

"Don't worry, the Sunflower Castle only opens in the day and closes by the night. It follows the path of the sun." I told them.

"Then we just have to wait here till dawn." Will said but I shook my head.

"We have to get to the deepest part of the castle before dawn." I told them.

"Why?" Angie asked.

"The key is held by the sun.The first golden rays will light the way." I repeated the text. "It means that the first light of day will reveal the key."

"Then let's get going to the depths of the castle." Ethan cheered and I smiled.

We descended into the depths of the castle prepared for whatever may happen andbwe eventually reach a fork in the road. Which way to go?

"Liam, you choose the path." I told him and he nodded.

"Left." He said and we went left.

This happens multiple times before we reach a tall door with a golden hue. On the door the creat of the Sacred Flower was present. Now then, to open the door.

"How do we open it, it looks like it's been reinforced and has Vi barrier around it." Theo stated.

"The pen is mightier than the sword." I stated. "That's what's written on the door."

"Then what do we do?" Alistar asked.

"Use your head." I answered and walked towards the door and push it open. "Just cause it's closed doesn't mean it locked."

"I see." Alexis smiled.

We went deeeper into the castle eventually reaching the very bottom. It's been six hours just to get here. Everyone's tired and so am I. I check my pocket watch and realize there is still two more hours till dawn.

I open the door to the deepest chamber and what welcomes us were stones of different shades of yellow on pedestals of marble. So beautiful. So dazzling. Among these, the second key is present.

"So, now we just have to wait till dawn." Reinhardt said. "Let's take shifts on who falls asleep."

"Okay then." I answered. "Who'll sleep first?"

"I think it's obvious." Will said and Theo nodded.

"It has to be the one who is the youngest." Angie stated.

I realized what they meant and sighed. I lied down and closed my eyes and went to sleep. What awaits me is a dream or maybe a memory. But, it feels older than my own. From a long time ago.

"The Chimeras only grow stronger with each passing day, we can no longer wait, I'll head to the Temple of Fate now. I leave the rest to you." A voice said.

"The Chimeras have yet to be sealed. I shall head to Fatum and destroy them once and for all." Another said.

This continues on till the darkness becomes white. Then, I chairs in front of me.

"Good day." A man, with black hair and white skin with blue eyes smiled at me. He was dressed in a plain white shirt with black pants. "Are you the current Flower?"

"I think it's obvious." Another refuted at him. The woman was golden haired with white skin and sapphire eyes. "Nice to meet you."

There were ten chairs but on the two were seated. The chairs have a number. Mine has been numbered ten. The woman sits on the fifth and the man on the second.

"I'm Erika, the Fifth Generation Sacred Flower." The woman smiled.

"I'm Julius, the Second Generation." The man smiled. "Welcome to the Whispering Garden. Though it can only hold out for a few more minutes."

"Um... what is going on?" I asked.

"You'll learn everything in due time." The woman smiled and waved her hand.

I wake from my dream thanks to Will and I realize that dawn in about to break. I get up and wait and then a light peeks from the top of the temple. I see a golden light falls on a single rock on the ground.

"Is that it?" Angie asked and I nodded.

"The second key, the Heliodor." I stated then we heard a quaking sound. "The door has opened."

"Let's head back then." Rachel smiled and I nodded.

We head back and we ascended the stairs to the surface again. That's when I recall my dream. What did that dream mean I wonder.