Chapter 33, The Priestess of Life

Why am I here anyway? It's not like I held my parents death in major regard. I knew one day we would part and just because it was shocking it doesn't really mean it was important.

Or maybe it was... for me but I just forgot along with everything else. But I've already accepted it.

Suddenly the scenery before me changes and person appears before, dressed in a white dress shirt with black pants and knee boots. He smiled as he stared at me with his silver hair, his clear blue eyes mesmerizing.

"Looks like the thread of fate finally connected." He said as he stared at me.

"Um... y-you are?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, my name is Elias Gleefield." He smiled. "You can just call me Elias, I'm the first generation Sacred Flower. I'm also the progenitor of all the Braves in a sense." He smiled.

"Um... why am I here exactly? I'm supposed to be taking a trial right now." I said.

"It's a lie. The trial isn't for you, but for the ones you left behind." He said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're here so you can learn about your powers more. Are you ready?" He asked offering me his hand. I take it without hesitation.

The world around me changes and I learn about the Sacred Flower from Elias.


"Oi! Where's Arata?!" William suddwnly exclaimed and I turned my head to see he was gone.

"Find him! Quick!" Angie said and we spread out to find him in pairs.

"Theo, did you find anything?" Lia asked over the coms but I simply sighed.

Just then as I was jumping from roof to roof I saw a woman with silver hair, something is strange. That's when I notice the girl is with Argent. Argent is on the ground.

"I've found him! Come to the western edge of town by the old mansion." I told the others.

A few minutes later they arrive and we stand perched on the roof of the building overlooking where Argent and that girl is.

"Why didn't you go there immediately?" Lucas asked.

"Something strange." I told him. "I couldn't just charge in without preparation."

"Theo's right, let's scope out the scene first." Andrew said and nodded to Alistar and Alexis who nodded and jumped down and disappeared into the streets.

A while later the two return and they tell us what they learned.

"There's a barrier around the two, Arata is out like a light on the ground and girl just seems to be watching Arata." Alexis reported.

"What do we do?" Angie asked.

"Let's tear down that barrier snd get Arata." Andrew said. "If she's alone we can easily handle her."

"Let's do it." William said and we nodded.

We each split into pairs and hot ready to attack. I positioned my trident ready to strike. Alexis breaks the barrier with ease and we charge at the girl.

Ethan and Michael guard Argent while we attack the girl. She's nimble and swift and able to move like the wind.

She easily dodges all our attack and even managed to escape when five people are guarding her. What is she?


"The Sacred Flower is the primogenitor of all Braves." Elias said. "It is the very first Brave and has the power to grant others Titles creating Braves."

"The Sacred Flower... is the primogenitor of all Brave Titles?" I asked.

"Yes. Long ago, the Chimeras numbered eighty-eight in all." He stated. "They were born from absolute chaos and distruction. It was long before any Brave existed."

"Then who drove these Chimeras away?" I asked.

"It was Fleur, the Priestess of Life who drove them away." He answered. "In her hand she held an eight petaled flower."

"So, Fleur drove the Chimeras away?" I asked.

"Yes. And after which she spoke a sole prophecy. In tomes of desperate need, a person shall emerge, bearing the Crest of the Sacred Flower." He said. "After which, Fleur disappeared from this world and the Chimeras disappeared."

"But then, why have they appeared?" I asked.

"For eons, the Chimeras have reincarnated and revived themselves for countless reasons, during the first they simply sought to kill." He said. "My Swords and I set out to seal them away. We managed to do so with ease for only five of the eighty-eight had surfaced."

"Then, the reason the Sacred Flower and Blades exist are solely for fighting the Chimeras?" I asked.

"Yes. Our power mainly exist to combat them." He answered. "In all, the Sacred Flowers number ten, you are the tenth generation Flower. In your hands now rest the fate of the world."

"What do you mean, fate of the world?" I asked him.

"The balance is collapsing, the Chimeras are growing stronger, if they are not stopped, I'm afraid all the worlds will fall." He said.

"Then what do I have to do to stop them?" I asked.

"That is something you must ask yourself." He answered with a smile. "I suppose it's about time I return you to your Swords before my barrier us broken."

He smiles at me and then the world begins to collapse and I open my eyes and find myself in Ethan's arms.

"Hmmm... where am I?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"Arata!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Oi, Argent woke up!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Just wait a little longer while we eliminate that girl." Lucas said and I remember.

The others we fighting Sylphid and I immediately got up and shouter at them.

"Stop!" I shouted loudly causing everyone to freeze.

"You've returned, have you faced the past?" She asked.

"Sylphid, give me the Wind Key." I told her and she smiled and bowed her head.

"Tenth Generation Flower, I entrust you with the Wind Key, use it wisely." She says and tosses me the key and disappears with the wind. "If you seek the Water Key, beware, Undine is more elusive than a drop of water in a dessert."

She has disappeared and I was left there with multiple questions that have been left unanswered by her. I still don't know what this key is for but if Sylphid gave it then it must serve a purpose. I've learned a bit about the Sacred Flower too, thanks to Elias.