Chapter 37, Like a Bubble

"How are things going?" I asked the others.

"Diana had another vision last night." May said. "She said 'a black mist covers the land, a shadow looms, the fate wavers before the silver moon' and suddenly collapsed."

"I see... everyone keep your eyes peeled at all times. We have to be prepared for anything that can happen." I told them and they nodded.


"Jun, thank you for your help, you as well, Master." She said and bowed her head at me.

"Don't worry about it." I smiled and suddenly I felt a chill down my spine. What was that? I feel very uneasy.

"Is something wrong?" Alicia asked but I smiled and shook my head.

Suddenly the world went dark and I saw something, a giant puzzle it seems. The puzzle shatters into multiple pieces and what appeared before me was a Capricorn. Just then, from the Capricorn, a person emerged, dressed in a black cloak, he stared at me. He had white hair and white skin with deep red eyes.

Suddenly, someone pulls me out of there and I see a young lady with foot length emerald hair and white skin with verdant eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Her hair was decorated with flowers and her clothes were decorated with flowers and vines.

"Um... you are?" I asked.

"Oh, the eight generation, you can call Emi." She said. "My full name is Emilia."

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Inside my Palace. I pulled you in here after you nearly got devoured by that Chimera. Listen, you can't be reckless, even if your real body isn't affected in the Dream Palace." She said. "The moment you leave if you feel as though you've been hurt it may damage your mind. Now, go on back, I don't want your Bkades to destroy my Palace."

I blink and find myself in Zhen's embrace as he tries to heal me for some reason.

"Are you alright?" Alicia asked and I nodded.

"Did you have a vision?" Will asked but I shook my head. "Then why did you suddenly collapse?"

"I used too much Vi." I answered. "I'll be fine."

"Alright then." Will said. "So what will happen now?"

"Firstly we'll repair the shrine." Sir Jun said. "We'll have it rebuilt and refurnished."

"Then, we'll return whatever riches our youngest brother stole from the people." Sir Julius said. "What about you?"

"We'll be leaving soon." I answered.

"Thank you so much for all your help, if your ever back in Azure Skies, you know where to visit us." Sir Jun said and we nodded.

Later that day we prepared to leave and Alicia offered us a prayer for our departure. Waving goodbye we left and entered the portal. Our nect stop, Fantasy Forest.


"Captain! Big news!" Mikoto, a young girl with black hair and white skin with black eyes exclaimed as she ran for me while I was having lunch.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"There is movement within the Capricorn's area!" She exclaimed and handed me the video recording.

I watched as the area completely covered in black ashes and rubble begin to move bit by bit. So it's began to move, but unless it appears we can't attack it.

"Continue to monitor it's movements and keep me updated. Everyone be careful, safety is number one priority." I told her and she nodded and went off.

Just then, as we resumed lunch my mirror began to vibrate. I took it out and it was Aratawho appeared.

"Yo, long time no see." I told him.

"Yeah... Hiro... are you alone right now?" I asked him.

"No... I'm with May, Diana and Lina in the cafeteria, why?" I answered.

"I just wanna ask, how are things going?" He said.

"Everythings fine." I told him. "What about you guys?"

"We're alright. About the Capricorn... how are things going?" He asked.

"Well..." I try to dodge it but I can't think of an excuse.

"Everything's fine. Nothing to worry about." Mao takes the mirror. "Been a while, Arata."

"Ah! Mao! Hi, it's been a while." He answered.

Mao has deep brown hair and white skin with sharp black eyes. He and Arata met during one of the lectures and seem to be on good terms.

"Arata! It's been a while!" May greeted.

"Hello!" Diana took the mirror next.

"How are you?" Lina said.

Everyone took turns greeting him and talking to him before they returned the mirror to me. Arata... when I was talking to him, he seemed worried about something. Did something happen I wonder?

"Hey Arata, if you ever want to talk, we're here to listen." I told him and he smiled.

"Thanks, but don't worry, it's nothing." He said. "You guys too, don't be afraid to ask me anything."

"Okay then." I answered.

"Oh, Will's calling, bye-bye." He said.

"Bye-byem." I answered and the call ended.

As we resumed lunch, Lina taps on my shoulder and I turn to her.

"You didn't tell him?" She asked and I nodded.

"I didn't. He seemed to have a lot on his plate, I didn't want to add anymore to it." I answered.

"I noticed it too. When I asked him what's on his mind he seemed to have tried to dodge the questions." May said. "I'll ask Liam if he knows."

"I'll ask Will." I told her.

"Arata seemed pale right?" Mao asked and I nodded. "He seemed like he didn't get much sleep either."

"I hope everything's alright..." May said.

I hope it is. Arata has always been the type to take everything by himself without worrying about what might happen to him. I feel like he's a bubble. So beautiful and gentle and brings happiness wherever he goes but... he has to be handled with care, if you don't he pops. I guess that's the reason why Will always tried to keep Arata by his side. To protect him from anything and everything around him.

Arata, I hope that you're fine, that the others are fine, that whatever it is that makes you uneasy is nothing but your habbit of overthinking things.