Chapter 39, The Formless One

We are rushing to the Ancient Tree in the rain. Danny guides us and we're using flashlights to light the way. Then, we reach a tall clump of bushes that tower high and seem impossible to scale thanks to the thorns.

"Pay heed and grant us passage, thorns that ensnare and protect, by my power and will, part!" Danny chanted and a path began to open up.

We rush in and the rain seems to have disappeared when we entered the bushes. The view before us in breathtaking. A lush green grassland which encircles a tall tree that recahes the skies that is surrounded by a forest at the root. The grassland is dotted with beautiful blooms of red, yellow, white and violet. There are butterflies flying here and there, the sky is azure blue with puffy clouds. I can see streams flowing out of the forest and dividing the grassland into four.

This is the Hidden Garden of Yggdrasil. That tall tree must be the Ancient Tree. At closer examination I notice the tree seems to not be in the best state. Branches have withered, I see damages in the trunk and the leaves have begun to fall from the tree.

"Let's hurry." I told the others and we rushed to the Ancient Tree's roots.

We run through the green grasslands and jump into the trees to move faster. What we see when we arrive at the roots of the tree takes all of us by surprise. A dragon was gnawing at the roots, some of the roots have been completely destroyed, others have begun to rot and die. The dragon has black scales and seems to be happily devouring the roots of the Ancient Tree but something is bothering me.

In the story, Nidhogg should still be trapped in the roots and that's why it chews it. To free himself and usher the end of the worlds. But it is without a doubt free so why does it still devour the roots. Something is also bothering me about it scales. Nidhogg was said to have brown scales. But I don't have the time to think about that now.

"We have to stop it! Now!" I exclaimed as I touched my shadow and pulled out pair of swords. "It's goall is to free the Lost Beasts that Yggdrasil has been supressing!"

"Then we have to stop it." Will said and took out a gatling gun.

"Yeah." The others said and took out their weapons.

We charged at it and Nidhogg turned it's attention to us and blew out a breath of fire.

"Ethan!" I called out to him who immediately casted a barrier around us.

I turned to see the forest destroyed by the breath it blew. The fires have engulfed the forest. Something is wrong here, black flame isn't the color of Nidhogg's flame. Things don't match the legend at all. Just what is that thing?

The others are fighting it while I talk to Danny regarding it. I ask him everything and anything Yggdrasil may have told him. He only recalls that before Yggdrasil fainted she said something about Revival.

"Revival... Revival... what could she possibly have meant by that." I mytter as I think and suddenly the thing hits me. "N-no... it's can't be..."

"Can't be what?!" Angie asked.

"Call the others back! Quickly!" I said and the others came back.

"Is something wrong?" Liam asked.

"That thing isn't Nidhogg." I told them as I pulled out an old book from my shadow. "I never thought I'd hold this book in my lifetime."

"What is that book?" Adele asked.

"The book of the Lost Beasts. I've determined the identity of our enemy. The formless one, Scuptor." I told them and showed the image of it from my book. "It's a Lost Beast, something that should no longer exist in this world."

"Then why is it here?" Angie asked.

"It's likely... that it escaped the seal, that's what Yggdrasil meant by Revival. The Revival of Lost Beast." I told them.

"But why is it here then? Wouldn't it hide and regain Vi first?" Danny asked. "It can't be?!"

"That's right. It's devouring the roots that are rich in Vi and trying to free the others." I told them and closed the book. "We have to stop it before any of the other Beasts escape."

"How? We don't know it's ability and we've never fought with it." Andrew said.

"The Scuptor is known as the formless one because it constantly changes itself. It must've seen an image of a dragon and possess it." I told them.

"Now that you mention it I may or may not have made a painting of Nidhogg and Yggdrasil..." Danny said as he turend away. "It disappeared a few days before Lady Yggdrasil fainted..."

"So we know where it came from but no how do we fight that thing?" Lucas asked.

"Simple, show it another painting and have it change into that." I told them and touched my shadow. "Found it!"

"That is... my sketchbook that I trashed. It's full of horrible drawings." Alexis said as he recognized the sketchbook I held in my hand. "Why do you have that?!"

"I kept it just because." I answered and ripped out a page of a drawing of Aries. "Now we just have to get this to the Sculptor."

"Easy." He said and took it from my hand and rolled it before sending it flying towards the head of the dragon with an arrow.

He de-materialized the arrow and the paper fell. Adlee suddenly stopd up and held her book to the sky. The papers multiplied and in the sky pictures of the Aries began to fly down.

The Sculptor seems to have recognized it and I'm used it's form. Now's our chance.

"Do it!" I exclaimed and the others rained down an assault of attacks on the Sculptor that was now an Aries.

I can hear the shattering of the core and the Sculptor disappears in a cloud of black smoke. Thank goodness we were able to destroy it. If it was any of the others it would've been more difficult. I pray that the other beasts shall continue to sleep within the seal never to emerge within this world again.