Chapter 42, Capricorn

As the petals clear I get a good view of the area and immediately run for Hiro who has collapsed on the ground. He's still breathing but we better get him somewhere safe.

Will carries Hiro back to the base camp where Lina immediately takes him and treats him while Diana fills us in on what has happened so far.

"Why did you call us?!" Andrew snapped.

"You already had so nuch to do and we didn't think I'd be this bad either." She answered.

"Pres. Mayumi, call everyone black please." I said.

"Right now we need to contain it or at least distract it. Can you handle that Adele?" I asked her and she nodded. "Adonis, I'm going to give you a Title and I'm pretty sure you're going to like it."

"What Title?" He asked.

"Brave of the Flute." I said and he smiled. "Mitan, Rachel, Angie and Leon are the only ones I haven't given Titles. They stay here in base camp. Help with treating the wounded."

"Okay." Leon answered.

"Lia, Theo, Andrew and Ethan, go help with the patrol." I told them. "Will, Liam, Alistar and I will fight the Capricorn."

"That's too dangerous!" Hiro said as he got up. When did he get back on his feet? "Only the four of you?!"

"We'll be fine." I said and realized something. "I haven't refined Alistar's yet."

"Well we don't have the time to wait, do it quick." Will said and I nodded popping the stone into.

"Excuse me." I said and I took Alistar by the face and passed the stone into his mouth.

"Oi! W-what d-do you think... you're doing to Alistar?!" Karin shouted.

"Jealous?" Alistar asked as he pulled me into his arms

"Don't get carried away." Will said hitting him on the head.

"Hehe, sorry." He smiled and then spat out the stone. "Is it good?"

"Yeah." I answered taking the stone and fastening it to a ring. "Here you go."

"Thanks." He said and I turned my attention to the Capricorn. "So what do we do now?"

"Alexis, Zhen, you guys cover us while we attack." I told the two who immediately responded. "Aim for the head, that's it's weakspot."

"Okay then." They answered.

I reached into my shadow and pulled out a handful of small crystals. I place the crsytals on the ledge that oversees the Capricorn and activate them.

"Those are?" Theo asked.

"High grade war class cannons, they're the Crystal Cannons. If anything goes wrong just fire one of these bad boys. They can't hurt us but they can kill Chimeras." I answered and reached into my shadow again searching for something. "Found it!"

"What is it?" Angie asked as I pulled out a small bag.

"These are the Charms of Fleur, specially designed golems." I told them and took them out of the bag.

They're only marbles with some stripes on them when you look at them at first but pass a little Vi in them and toss them into the air and boom! You get special drones that can attack at close or long distance.

I then turn to Adonis and take his hand in my own then begin chanting.

"Adonis, I hereby grant you the Title, Vassal Brave of the Flute." I said and turned on his left upper chest a light shines showing his Brave Mark. A flute with my crest behind it. "As long as you paly your flute you'll be able to distract it."

"Okay then." He said.

"Let's go." I told the others and they nodded.

Will, Liam and Alistar materilaized they're special weapons and I reached into my shadow to pull out two bags of explosives the size of a marble. Small but deadly when they reach the target. The explosion covers about two maybe three hindred meter radius.

We cahrged at the Capricorn and I see butterflies begin to surround it. Adele. Then, a volley of arrows pierce its head followed by multiple knives on its chest. Alexis and Zhen.

"Hyaa!" Liam slammed his hammer down hard on the Capricorn's head.

The tail comes our eay only to be pierced by a spear that must be from Reinhardt and slashed of by Alistar's sword.

We continue our attack on it. Will shooting it, Alistar slashing it, Liam hitting it and me bombing it. While it seems to be on the offense I can tell something isn't right. What's it plotting?

Just as Liam hits its head to the ground, Alistar, Will and I launch an offensive on the head. With that attck the head is completely destroyed and it stops moving. The Capricorn ceases all movement and we return to base camp. While the others are overjoyed I can't help but feel that something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" Diana asked.

"Nothing, it's just, something was bothering me about the Capricorn." I answered.

"What was?" Alexis asked.

"Capricorn distort everything, even the laws of physics. Though Braves of the Sacred Flower and Vassal Braves are immune to the abilities of most Chimeras, there should some kind of effect." I answered. "But this time it just felt like nothing. It didn't try to distort our attacks or anything."

"But when we were fighting it, it was distroting everything." Yuuki said.

"Hmmm... everyone stay on alert, we don't know for sure what's going on." I told them.

"I agree with Arata-kun, everyone stay on high alert." Pres. Mayumi has just said so when I hear a strong shriek burst through the air.

We all turn to the corpse of the Chimeras where a person begins to emerge. From what the drones are picking up it's a man with white hair and black eyes with white skin. He was naked and was covered in blood. He rips of a piece of the corpse and make his own clothing.

"Oi! What is that?!" Leon asked.

"This is bad... that is... a True Beast." I answered and suddenly the man disappeared and the next thing we know ge was above us.

"H-humans." He said, his voice was ragged, he landed down on the table and looked at me. "F-Fleur."

"Arata, get behind me." Will pulled me behind him.

"Ahhh!" The man shouted and suddenly in the air multiple portals began to open.

"Will, quick! Shoot him!!" I exclaimed. "Hurry befor-"

It was too late, the portal had completely opened. Countless Beasts poured out from the portals and among them, humanoid ones emerged. It's too late, it's happening, the Revival of the Beasts.