Chapter 51, A Bouquet Suits You Better Then Swords

We've just arrived at Sacred Plains, at the northern edge of Grand Sanctuary. It's one of the places that was featured in my memories and is the sight of the Honeysuckle Castle.

Undine told me that it would be wise to meet up with the Guardian of this World after I got the piece here and gave me the a bell. We need to get the piece for Zhen first.

Right now, we're standing in a plains with a large amount of animals running about and a few trees here and there providing shade. To our left a mountain and to our right a sheer drop. Straight ahead, a temple that is still in fairly good condition stood.

"Let's go." I said and they nodded.

We proceeded towards the castle only to be stopped in our tracks by Chimeras. Only one kind appears but it's one of the most troublesome ones, Canis Venatici the one that attack in packs.

"This is bad, everyone, weapons up! And stay together!" I shouted and touched my shadow to pull out the Fangs of Fenrir.

We fight against them but slowly we begin to lose ground. There are too many of them to fight back all by ourselves. Eventually, Ethan erects a barrier for us so we can rest.

"Tch. Why are there so many of them!" Adonis snapped.

"Canis Venatici on its own is weak but if it's in great numbers then it's very powerful and unstoppable." I answered trying to staunch the flow of blood from the bite on my left hand.

"So, what do we do now?" Zhen asked as he healed my hand.

"I have something that can get rid of them but... I'll need a new Vassal Brave for it." I said and turned to Leon.

"Okay." He said and I smiled.

"Leon, I hereby grant you the Title Vassal Vassal Brave of Keys." I said and his left shoulder a bright light shine, the crest has formed. "The Vassal Brave of Keys ability is to manipulate gates and open portals anywhere they please."

"So what do I do?" He asked.

"I want you to create a sealed off space and trap all the Canis Venatici there. After that, I'll destroy the space you created." I told him and he nodded.

"By the power I bear, I order you, create a place pf no escape and trap my enemy within that place, Endless Whirl!" He said and a giant portal opened above us.

The Canis Venatici were all sucked up into the portal and eventually not a single one was left. I turned to Ethan who lowered his barrier and we checked the perimeter for anymore Chimeras. When we've ensured that we're safe, Leon hands me a key and I destroyed it by snapping it in half. That should get rid of the Canis Venatici along with the seperate space he created.

"Let's hurry to the temple, it's already starting to get dark." I told them and they nodded.

We rushed for the temple and I opened the door and we descended into the depths of it. As we went deeper and deeper into the temple the lights that shined from outside were replaced by bright growing flowers and mushrooms.

"What are these mushrooms? I've never seen them before and they're bright and colorful." Alexis said.

"Ah, those are Man-Eating Mushrooms." I answered him. "Despite the name they don't eat people. It's just that there's a legend about how they came to be."

"Ehh? That's so cool." Zehn said gazing at them as we walked down.

"Whaa!" Angie suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"What's wrong?" I asked and saw what was wrong. There's a huge gap with deep drop in front of us. The staircase gave way and a certain death drop was in front of us.

"How do we cross?" Theo asked when I noticed that Zhen was gone.

"Where is Zhen?" I asked.

"Oi! What are you guys doing?" Zhen asked as he was on the other side of the drop.

"How did you get over there?" Adonis asked.

"Don't know. I was looking at the mushrooms one moment and the next I was here." He said. "Arata, hurry up."

"I see, that's what it is." I said as I peered into the drop. "You guys, this is as far as you can go."

"What do you mean?" Liam asked.

"Past this point, only me and Zhen can continue." I told them and walked forward.

As I though, the gap is only there for those who aren't welcomed any deeper into the temple. I turn and see that Ethan is about to try it but steps back when I glare at him.

"We'll wait for you outside." Will called out as I reached the other side and I nodded.

We went deeper and deeper into the castle till we arrived at the very depths of it. The bottom of the staircase was nothing I expected. A garden blooming with countless flowers. Trees, a flowing river and all sorts of plants could be seen. There's a fountain at the center and the light was projected by giant crystals in the sky.

We approached the fountain and inside it were many brightly colored stones which varied in shape and sizes.

Zhen just picked one of the many stones and tosses it to me before taking a flower and placing it in my hair and smiling.

"The flower I placed doesn't compare to you but I think it suits you well." He said.

"What kind of flower is it?" I asked.

"A rose." He answered. "Remember, it was the first flower I ever gave you."

"Yeah. The rose and sunflower you gave from that day, I turned them into dried flowers." I smiled. "Since then you've given me lots of flowers."

"For me, a bouquet of flowers suits you better than any sword." He said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled as we returned to the surface. Zhen's piece was easily obtained and we didn't have much trouble was what I though before we returned to the surface to witness a sight I didn't expect. Countless Chimeras have gathered, all preparing to attack the temple.