Chapter 54, Even if I'm Buried in The Sands of Time

"So, what do we do?" Angie asked as she held her mirror.

"Be on the look out for the enemy, that's all." Will told them as I touched my shadow to pull out an hourglass. The Temporal Clock.

They said that this was one of the ways to defeat the Horologium and the other was to use the Sacred Flower. I wonder what they meant by that.

As we surveyed the area around us a beam of light shoots above us and Ethan reflexively erects a barrier above us. The crystals above us rain down like the drops of rain during a storm.

"Over there!" Leon pointed to the Chimera to our left. A clockface alone that is out of wack. It is large and has been number one to twelve.

"Horologium." I said as I held the hourglass. "Be careful of it's ability to peer past time."

"Lightning Burst!" Will fired his gun at it but it dodges it easily. "Tch. One fast pest."

"Fire Arrows!" Alexis shot his arrows.

"Whirlwind Spear!" Reinhardt threw his spear.

"Cyclone Trident!" Theo threw his trident at it.

"Combined Technique, Eye of the Storm!" The two shouted as two wepains became pne and formed a giant cyclone aiming for the Horologium.

"Entangling Fate." The Horologium immediately stops moving thanks to the trap made from strings by Lucas. "Do it, now!"

"Hundred Blades!" Up in the sky, swords appeared, ready to impale the Horologium.

"Dancing Knives!" Knives began to appear in the air ready to impale the Horologium.

"Finish it in one go!" I told them.

The knives and swords impaled the Horologium in one go and the Horologium is shattered easily. I smile and ring the Cadence Bell.

"Yes?" Chronologia answered. "Is something wrong?"

"Mind bringing us back?" I asked. "We've defeated the Horologium."

"Yes. I understand." She answered and a portal opened in front of us.

We enter the portal and when I pass through it we're still in the Dimension Rift. Did something go wrong?

"So, what do we do?" Angie asked as she held her mirror.

"Be on the look out for the enemy, that's all." Will told them.

Huh? Look out for the enemy. We already defeated it. Is something wrong with them?

"Look out!" Etha erects a barrier above us when the crystals above us rain down.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Kill it." Theo said.

The same thing from earlier happened. The joint attack and the Horologium's defeat. The portal opens again but we're back to square one again. What is going on?

'Chronologia, something is wrong." I told her via telepathy.

'Yes. I've noticed." She said. "Time here if flowing naturally but in the Dimensional Rift, it has stopped flowing."

'What is it?' I asked her.

'Loop. The Horologium must've trapped you in a loop of time.' She said. 'You have to change the flow and force it to continue.'

'Okay.' I told her.

"By the power I bare, I order you, keepers of the clock, watchers of the era, heed my order and break the bonds of time." I chanted as I activated the Temporal Clock. "With the sand of time flowing without end, the hands that move without rest, let the past, present and future be one in this instant and reveal the spiral of time!"

Around me a light begins to emrge and from my feet images begin to rise to the sky in a spiral.

Ugh... the Temporal Clock... is very powerful. It... even makes... me feel... nauseous.

I begin searching for the moment in time that it must've stolen and find it as the others fight against it. I immediately grab the moment it has stolen but it has been frozen. Froced to a stop completely. It cut off the future that was meant to go on. But that time is only our own. The time outside is still flowing. It plans to keep us here in the Dimensional Rift while its friends

"By the power I bear, I order you, mend the broken time, move the frozen gears, let the sands of time flow, even if this moment becomes lost within the passing days." I chanted. "Move once more, time which has stopped, even if this is a mere fleeting instance in the spiral of time, move on!"

The amount of Vi the pours out of my body is so great that I'm certain I'll be out after this spell is cast. I can leave the reest to tbe others for sure so I'm placing everything I have in this one spell.

"Let the sun,moon and stars resume their original purpose and allow time to move on! Even if the future is unknown, even if this instant is to be forgotten, even if one day this only becomes a distant memory!" I chanted. "Let the path we have chosen go on! Even if I'm Buried in The Sands of Time! Don't Stop! Don't Falter! Forward! Towards the Ridge of Light! Towards the Horizon! Toward the New Day! Chronologia!"

In an instant all the Vi in my body disappears and I see the spirla of time beginning to flow again. The next moment I see the Horologium implaed by Reinhardt's spear and I lose consciousness.


We carry Arata back home and let hin get some rest. As I'm tucking him in I notice some strands of his golden hair had turned red. What is this?

"It's simply the reflux of using too much Vi. I believe you call Drop." Chronologia smiled as she stood beside me. "I'm sure you've experienced something similar when you empty out all the Vi in your body."

"Yeah." I answered recalling my time as child.

"Master won't be happy if he wakes up and you're all not resting." She said. "Please get some rest, leave master to me."

"Okay." I answered left the room.

There's something worrying me about Arata's l Drop. Although Drops are common to new Braves especially when they are training. I've never heard of Drop changing a person's hair color. Arata, I hope that you'll be fine.