Chapter 56, Rare Find

I was packing my things when a knock came at the door. Chiko who was with Chronologia carried a tea set.

"Will you be leaving soon, Le Fleur?" Chiko asked as we sat down for tea.

"Yes. Well, not today byt maybe tomorrow or the day after." I answered.

"Okay then." Chronologia said. "When you want to leave I'll send you off myself."

"Really? Thanks." I answered with a smile.

The next day, we all gathered and said goodbye to Chiko, Gary and Fate before Chronologia teleports is to our next destination; Mysteria Mountain.

Mysteria Mountain is the home to the elemental of earth, Gnome and the seventh piece. The one that is for Andrew.

"Take care." Gary smiled.

"Thanks for all you've done for me." Chiko hugged me.

"I hope that your journey will be an easy one." Fate smiled.

"I'll activate the spell now." Chronologia said.

"Okay. Thanks for everything, everyone." I said and they smiled.

"Open the gates, across the borders of time and space, Dimensional Gate." She chanted and we were engulfed by a golden light. "Master, please take care."

The light engulfs us and I close my eyes. When I open them again, we're on plateau that overlooks a sunrise.

This world is made up mountains, hills and plateaus. Though there are areas that the ground is flat, there aren't many flat lands in this world. There are oceans here and lakes as well as beuatiful forests, sceneries and the like.

The inhabitants here hold similarities to dwarves and giants from fairytales. They are also the greatest manufacturer of weapons, tools and materials made of metal. These also include gems and semiprecious stones. They produce all sorts of materials that are used throughout the worlds.

I gaze at the rising sun for a while longer before I get up and walk down the trail.

"It's going to be a while till we arrive at Begonia Castle." I told them. "Let's get a move on."

We move north towards the Begonia Castle. We have a long way to walk and the nearest town is still a long way off. I think we'll arrive at the nearest town, Tourmaline Town before nightfall though.

"Why don't we just run or fly?" Zhen asked.

"We can't. There aren't many things to grip on and the ground isn't as solid as it appears." I told him. "Flying is out of the question, this world suffers aerial attacks from avian monsters so they've set up specialized cannons that shoot down anything that flies."

"Really?" Angie asked as I touched my shadow and pulled out an origami bird.

"Fly." I tossed it to the sky where it is immediately shot down by rays of light.

What remains of the origami bird are just bits of burnt paper that disappear with the wind. The cannons use extremely concentrated rays of light as the source of their attacks and the beam they fire are so hot they can melt gold.

"That's scary." Angie said. "I'm never going to jump here."

"Yeah. I wouldn't advise it." I told her.

As we were walking under the heat of the midday sun I heard the sounds of a horse and turned around to see a horse pulling a cart but it doesn't have a driver.

"Whoa! Whoa! That's a good horse." I tried to calm it down as it charges at us.

At first it panics but it seems to calm almost immediately after it hears my voice. It stops and lowers its head and I pet it and brush it's main.

"Now then, where's your owner?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry!" A young man said as he came running.

He was sweaty and panting. He had red hair with crimson eyes and white skin. He was dressed in a white coat with a black shirt and black pants with boots.

"Are you alright?" I asked him as he leaned against the cart.

"Yes... I'm fine... thank you..." He said panting. We let him recover for a bit before we ask him some questions. "I'm Ruby, a merchant. I took a quick break to powder my nose when this guy suddenly ran."

"Ah, I see." Adonis said. "You look pretty exhausted."

"Yes. Truth be told I've been chasing after it since this morning." He said and everyone froze. "There aren't many towns here so I'm thankful you managed to stop it. I might've chased after it all the way to Tourmaline Town."

"No problem." Liam said recovering from the shock. "Well we better get going."

"Um, if you'd like, I can give you a ride to the next town." Ruby said.

"Really? Thank you." I answered with a smile as we boarded his cart.

As the horse began to move I noticed that he had some pretty good materializes. Some could make good equipment and jewelry. Henseems to notice me eyeung his goods and tells me to take a look. We spend the whole ride cheking for anything good. After hours of searching, I notice a clear gem the size of a marble.

"This marble... where did you find it?" I asked.

"Oh, my sister made that. She had clever hands." He said. "But no one seems to want it."

"I'll pay you five gold coins for it." I told him.

"Ehh?!" He exclaimed as the cart rocked from his tugging at the reins. "Five gold coins for this marble?!"

"Yes. If it's not enough I'll pay higher." I said as I held the marble close to my right eye.

No doubt about it, this is a spirit stone. A special gem made from rare compound of special ores and gems as a special material called catalysts crystals. It has the power to give life to anything you place it in. To think someone could make it so small like this. His sister has good hands indeed.

"Just silver coins should be enough for it." He said. "It feels like I'd be swindling you if I took gold coins."

"The value of this simgle marble is more than ome platinum coin." I told him. "No, maybe higher by the caliber of this stone. I won't settle for any less than five gold coins."

"...Okay then... if that's what you want." He said.

We continue down the path till he stops the cart and I see the town. We hop off and I pay him the gold coins and he smiles and leaves.

"Was that stone worth five gold coins? Well, not that we mind." Theo said.

"This is a spirit stone." I told them. "It's worth way more than platinum coins, maybe even diamonds."

"A spriit stone this small?!" Angie exclaimed. "If it's real then you have a rare find alright."

"Yeah." I told her. "It's getting pretty late, let's look for an inn."

"Yeah." Will said.

We headed into town and I stored the stone in my shadow. There's no doubt about it's quality, this is a pure spirit stone.